Seeming to read his thoughts, Sophia broke away from the kiss, her hands hovering close to his belt. Without hesitation she slipped it free from the loops of his jeans and tossed it aside.

Jack looked down at her hands. Small and tan fingers working his button and zipper free and slowly started to tug his jeans down when he stopped their workings. He placed his hands on top of hers.

A moment of silence passed between the two. Nothing but the sound of their heavy breathing, the heated moment slowly dissipating with each new breath. Hearts slowing. Eyes clouded over with lust slowly clearing. When Jack finally spoke, his voice made it seem like he was in pain when he eventually spoke, "I can't." Two words. They were simple enough and yet still hurt his heart, a strong ache settling in like a stone that had just been dropped.

"Oh." Sophia spoke and then thought about it for a few moments and saying, "doesn't that happen to most guys eventually?"

Jack looked up at the girl and met her eyes. He stepped back as his cheeks immediately became flushed with embarrassment. He ran his hands through his hair, fighting the frustration. "That's not what I meant!"

Sophia giggled. She sat on the edge of the washing machine and placed of hands of either side, leaning in. "I was just teasing you." She said before her eyes traveled down to his crotch, to the still prominent bulge that was front and center in his pants.

Seeing this, Jack instinctively covered a hand over his crotch. "I'll just-" He motioned with a nudge of his head to the door. "I'll just be a minute." And with that he left.


While downstairs, Sophia could hear the unmistakable sound the shower that second it click on downstairs and couldn't help but smile to herself.

Though she couldn't know for sure, she assume it would be a cold shower. Something to cool off the heated man who almost had his way with her in the laundry room but for some reason stopped himself abruptly.

Sophia felt a small pang in her heart at the fact that he did stop. And then started to wonder. She couldn't help but wonder what would've happened if he didn't stop. What would have happened if Jack kept going? If he didn't hesitate and took her in whatever way he imagined.

She imagined herself jumping down from her post on the washing machine only to turn away and bend over the appliance. She would arch her back as she felt the tender hands of her police officer grasp her hips, gently at first as he got himself into position. She would press her ass into the front of hia pants, and feel the magnificent ridge of his cock through the material as it strained to reach her. Jack would then reach in front of her and unbutton her shorts and slowly slide them down her legs. Like her shirt, the shorts will end up carelessly discarded on the other side of the room as she awaited for everything Jack could give her. Would he be gentle? Maybe at first, she realized, but then with each thrust and careful rhythm of his hips she would urge him to go harder. If not, even plead for a steady pounding.

But instead, she remains back in the kitchen. Alone.

Easton had now since came back inside and was now on the couch with his tennis ball and her eyes immediately widened. The dog was recently in a pool and now on the couch. A leather couch?!

She ran to the bathroom quickly and grabbed a towel off the rack and ran back out.

"Easton!" She greeted.

The dog perked up and immediately ran to her. He was dripping wet still and when he reach her he shook himself, shaking water everywhere.

"Easton!" Sophia squealed as the dog shook water off of himself. She held the towel up and quickly flung it over Easton and began drying him off, the process giving her time to continue to think about her and Jack tonight.

He was the one who initiated there little steamy tryst between them. He was the one who kissed her first. He was the one who groped and grappled with her shirt and tossed it carelessly to the side. He was eager.

So the fact that he suddenly stopped himself left Sophia confused...and horny and willing for the hot police officer currently showering upstairs.

She let her mind wonder then to what Jack looked like in the shower. A man such as himself standing under the spray of water. Was he just as affected by what just happened between them? Was he still feeling the effects?

Sophia imagined his frustration as he walked out of the room. He had to cover himself with a hand. That one so lovely bulge that she felt rubbing against her and wanted to feel it again. She wasn't afraid to admit that she was disappointed that Jack didn't continue and actually insert it into what he wanted to since the moment he saw her in that hospital room.

She playfully flirted with the idea of Jack relieving his frustration. A hand wrapped around his cock as his forehead resting against the shower tiles, the water cascading down to conceal the sounds of him pumping himself in a steady rhythm, until the sweet white seed exploded from him with a groan.

It was a pleasant thought. More than pleasant and Sophia found herself clenching her thighs together the more she thought about it.

An Officer, The K9, And MeWhere stories live. Discover now