Peter Pops the Question

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The day was coming fast.
Peter's 21st birthday.
Time had gone by so quickly after the battle against Thanos. After a couple of years with The Avengers, Peter was more comfortable but still not as close to his teammates as he would like.

Especially not Mr. Stark.
Peter desperately wished to be closer to Tony Stark.

He'd been so good at keeping things professional while still showing his admiration for the man made of iron.
Still, he wanted more.
He wanted affection and warmth and...


Tony had been open too. He was attempting to be the supportive role model he had never had in his own life.
After a mission, he'd often given Peter a pat on the back or an attaboy.
Tony sensed Peter's feelings.
He wasn't put off by the younger man's affections.
Peter really had done a good job at keeping his feelings professional and private.
Not a secret, but private.


Tomorrow was the day.

All Peter had to do was go to sleep and wake up, and he would be a 21-year-old man.

Most people at that age have one thing on their mind.

Getting drunk.

But Peter had two things on his mind.
Tony Stark and taking him to the fanciest restaurant Peter could afford with the best wine he could afford-
-and possibly getting a little buzzed with Tony.
Maybe they'd just loosen up to a friendly level. More friendly than the serious workplace front he had kept up around the compound.
Or maybe they'd get really comfortable.

Really warm.

Peter's mind raced.

A ring.

Peter's cell phone rang. It was Tony!
" Stark? Hi! How can I help you? Another mission, maybe? I'm here to help! Always here..." Peter nervously trailed off. He was talking to the number one person who happened to be on his mind at the time.

"Yeah, Peter, listen, that's great, but no mission right now and hopefully not anytime soon. I'm calling because Facebook has just reminded me that tomorrow is a certain special Spider's certain special birthday!" Tony's tone sounded as though he was using sarcasm to hide his sincerity. "so...I guess I'm just calling to say, 'Happy Birthday!' you deserve it."
Again a mix of sarcasm and sincerity.

"Thank-Thank you, Mr. Stark!" Peter was frozen. This was exactly what he wanted. An excuse to talk to his crush, "Really, um...thanks!"

Peter had known Tony and the Avengers since he was 15, but you wouldn't know it from how awkward he sounded. He stalled like a young man about to ask someone on a first date-
Because he was.

Tony broke the awkward silence.

"Big plans?" He asked.

But Peter's head was spinning so fast that he didn't even register the words.


"Do you have any big plans?" Stark repeated. "It's a big day, what with being old enough to drink and party in the eyes of the law. Maybe the team should take you to some...dive bar! Preferably one with karaoke. Have some drinks have some laughs."

"That sounds awesome!" Peter laughed. "Really, it does-" Peter was a brave warrior, but he was still a nervous young man. He wet his lips, preparing himself to do what he needed to do. "We will have to do that sometime, but actually, I was wondering...if you'd like...if you and I could...If I could..." He desperately stammered.

"Spit it out, Peter!" Stark ordered.

"It's just that I was hoping-"

"Oh my God, Pete!" He interrupted, "You know I'm going to say yes."

"Wait...what?" Peter was caught off guard.

"Look, I'll getcha whatever you want for your birthday. I'll make arrangements. Whether you need me to spend some cash or make a call...whatever. It's fine. You got it."

Tony had always been generous with Peter, especially on his birthdays.

"Actually, Mr. Stark. No money this year-"

"Kid, really! It's fine!" Tony kept interrupting, taking the control away from Peter, "Money isn't an issue, and it's your birthday-"

"No! Mr. Stark, really. Really what I want-"
He tried to take back control-

"Pete, we've known each other for how long? If you want something, you can just ask-! "

"I want to take you to dinner!" Peter spat.

Tony was stunned silent.
He thought for a moment replaying Peters words trying to make sense of them.

Pete was quiet too. He took Tony's silence for rejection.

He was embarrassed. Ashamed. And now fearful.

Did he just ruin his professional relationship with the Avengers?

Oh, God! And more fearful, would Tony think differently of him now that he knew Peter

"Let me get this straight." Tony's voice was stern. It felt like a lecture. Peter was hot with shame and worry. "You, Peter, for your birthday, your twenty-first birthday, you want to take me, Tony dinner? Am I hearing this correctly?"

Peter could just die.

What did he do? What was he thinking?
He should have agreed to a fun karaoke night. In fact, he could have asked Tony at the dive bar and pretended it was a joke or that he was drunk if Tony turned him down.

Too late.

The stunning burn of regret. Could he take it all back?

"I apologize Mr. Stark. Really I-! "

"Whoa whoa whoa! Why are you apologizing?!"

"I-"Peter was hot, his stomach churned.

"I know. You think I'll think differently now that I...know. Is that it?"

Peter nodded. He buried his face in his hands, trying to accept his mistake.

"Yeah..." he admitted.

"Um. No." Tony comforted. "I don't think any differently of you, for one. This is New York, duh, for two. And...we can talk about the rest tomorrow. Over dinner."

Peter perked up. Did he hear him correctly?

"Really?! You'll let me take you-"

"Pick me up at 7 and have me home by midnight. And no funny business. I'm a classy guy, you know." Tony's sly wit warmed Peter.

It started to dawn on him-
Tony had said YES!

"Oh, that's awesome! And, you'll love this place, Mr. Stark. I can't wait!"

"Alright, Kid. I'll see you tomorrow. And...Happy Birthday." Tony's soulful voice melted in Peter's ears.

Peter was beaming as he hung up the call.
He could not believe this was real.

Even if the night didn't turn romantic, he would be spending his birthday alone with Tony Stark. His heart did cartwheels in his chest.

And Tony? Well Tony was pretty excited too.

"He wants to take me out for dinner." He whispered to himself with a smile. "He wants to take ME out for dinner."

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