"i know this girl"

Start from the beginning

Jesus, I sound immature and jealous. He thought. He didn't mean to come off that way. He hoped hoseok didn't catch on to that.

"That's not true. If I want to see her I would turn around and go back in that cafe. I would literally let my intrusive thoughts win and walk into the kitchen, pick her up and run out of the cafe with her." He says carelessly.

"But I didn't do that yet and I probably won't ever do that. I genuinely want to spend some time with you." He said honestly, nudging his tall and extremely buff manager.

Namjoon smiled. He felt horrible. But hoseok had a way of brightening the mood of those around him. He was just a happy guy.

"And yeah...I wanna see her again. You're still right about that." He snickers.

Namjoon shoved him away and turned off his phone. "Fuck off."


"There is something so sexy about the confidence of a woman...

I like the way you put yourself on display. I like the way you don't care about how people may or may not judge you because of your boldness. You're shameless and you're proud about it. I admire that.

What man wouldn't?

I learned to fall in love with the shows you put on for an audience the minute I seen you set yourself up on display.

It was sunset in Manhattan. You lay sprawled out on the bed, your pretty smooth legs wide opened.

To me, you expose everything. I take my time to admire every crevice. I take my time to study you. You must like that, being studied.

Your fingers move with precision and your mind calculates every move before you make it. You make yourself cum with ease and you don't feel bad about it.

You're like a doll. A pretty little doll set up in an antique shop. Dressed all pretty. The eyes of pedestrians seem to be stuck on you like glue because you look so dainty and beautiful.

Perhaps that's why I don't feel a guilty pleasure when I watch you. Nothing can make me feel iniquitous for admiring an enchantress like you."

"Why is he doing this to me?" Haven mumbled, turning off her phone and slowly standing up from where she sat outside of the cafe.

She felt so dirty for reading such a thing while on break. But everybody had been losing their minds about "Display" so she wanted to see what the hype was about.

As always, Hoseok Jung delivered.

He was an amazing writer. He made his readers feel beautiful whether he was directing his work towards them or not.

He worded things so beautifully. His words were never twisted or caused confusion. They were all so carefully thought out and precise. Perhaps that's why Haven felt so guilty.

She didn't realize that a literal pool had formed between her legs after reading that piece. But what did she expect?

Being a fan of Hoseok Jung made her get used to a lot of things. Puddles between her legs, staying up past midnight to masturbate, reading erotica at work..

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