Friday Night Dinner [Niall]

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The next day I was woken up by the doorbell. Who the hell comes by at six o'clock? Greg opens the door and tells the guys to come in. Wait, Greg is awake? Why? He never wakes up this early! "Where are the boxes?" One of the guys downstairs asks. "They are still in my room!" What Boxes? "First door to the right!" "Ok." I hear many people coming up the stairs and going into  Greg's room. I get out of Bed and ready for school, as I'm anyway awake now and can't fall back asleep. After I got dressed I look into the hallway and see guys carrying one box after the other out of Greg's room. About half an hour later the door falls shut after I hear "Bye mum, see you soon!" "Take Care! Love you Greg." Greg left? I go downstairs to talk to my mum and see she's crying. "Mum, why are you crying? Is everything ok?" "Yes, hun, it's just...Greg...he..." "Whats wrong with Greg?" "He moved into his own place with Brandon." "That explains why there was men in here carrying boxes out of Greg's room." "Yes, it does." We talk for another while until I have to go outside and meet Y/n for school.

"We're the movers at your place at six o'clock aswell?" "Yeah, but I knew they were coming so it wasn't too bad." "You knew? Why did nobody tell me they were moving out today?" "You didn't know?" "No!" She turns around to me, because I was walking slower than her, and gave me a hug and a kiss. "What was that for?" "Am I not aloud to kiss my boyfriend?" "Of course you can!" I kiss her again. We get to school and everybody is congratulating me. "Why are they all congratulating you?" "I don't know, babe." "Roisin, what's going on?" "There's a rumor...Lisa said..." "What did Lisa say?" "She said that Niall slept with you and took your virginity." "She did what?" "Calm down, I'll fix it!", I tell Y/n to calm her down. "Hhey guys, listen up...", I start and get up on a table. "I don't know what exactly Lisa told you, or why, but it is NOT TRUE! If anyone says anything else about what Lisa said, I will beat you up." I was soo pissed and would have killed anyone who would have anoyed me too much or did something to Y/n. Everyone looked at me shocked and I climbed off the table to go back to Y/n and go inside with her.

All day at school we still got looks from everyone and they were all talking behind our backs. After school we went home and she said "How about we tell our parents about us?" "You sure that's what you want?" "Yes, I'm sure." "Would you like to come over with your parents for Friday night dinner?" "Sure, at about six?" "Sounds good." "See you later, babe, love you!" "Love you more!" "That's not possible!" I leen down to kiss her and then we each enter our own house. "Mum!" "Yes, hun?" "Is it ok if the Y/l/ns come over foe dinner tonigh?" "Sure, any special reason?" "Not really, but wouldn't it be nice to hang out with the family of Greg's roommate?" "Yes, that would be nice. Do you have a time sett already?" "Six o'clock?" "That's fine. Will you help me make the dinner?" "Sure mum." Me and mum make the dinner and forget the time until the doorbell rings. I run to the door and open it for Y/n and her family. "Come on in." We go to the dinnertale and sit down. My parents and I are on one side, Y/n is at the head of the table, next to me, and her parents and brother are opposite me and my parents.

"Dinner will be ready in five minutes", my mum informs so me an Y/n take the opportunity to tell them what's going on. "Mum, Dad, Aine, Conall and Colin, we have something to announce. OK now you probably know already because of how I said it, but...Y/n!" "We are a couple!" "Awwww!" All of them say at the same time. "How long have you been a couple?", Aine asks. "Only since yesterday, but we've been pretending all week." "What do you mean?" "On Tuesday all the girls were throwing themselves at Niall, so he said that we were a couple." "Why?" "Because I didn't want those girls throwing themselves at me anymore and be ausr I hoped she would fall in love with me if we pretended to be a couple." "Little did he know, I was already in love with him." "That's cute!", my mum adds. " guys done it yet?", Colin asks to which he gets annoyed stares from everyone. "No, no, no, no!" The two of us say together. "Why does everyone keep presuming that?" "Probably because they would do it if they were us. Or because they think we're hormonal teens who can't keep it in their pants." We all start laughing. Mum brings out the dinner, we all enjoy it and at the Ed of the night we decide, that this is gonna be a weekly thing, that we meet up on Fridays.

Once Y/ns parents and brother left Y/n gave me a kiss and hugged me tight. "See you tomorrow?" "Definetly,  babe." We kiss good night and hug one last time.

(928 words)

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