One Year Anniversary [Y/n]

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Saoirse and Roisin left France yesterday and Niall and I are staying another two days. Niall is awake already and I'm lying in bed still half asleep. "Happy one year anniversary, babe!", Niall says enteringthe bedroom with a tray in his hand. "Thanks, babe! Happy one year anniversary to you, too!" He comes over to me, hands me the tray with breakfast on it and sits down next to me. "You didn't have to make me breakfast in bed, babe!" "I know, but I wanted to! I love you, babe!" "I love you, too! And thanks for the breakfast!" "Your welcome!" My phone beeps so I pick it up and see a message from Roisin.


Roisin❤: Have a great day!


Me: Thank you so much🥰

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Me: Thank you so much🥰

Saoirse❤: Have fun you love birds😘

Roisin❤: You're so cute🥰have fun love birds😘 BUT NOT TOO MUCH😏😏

Me: Thanks, from Niall and me🥰 and Roisin, we won't, don't worry!


"Saoirse and Roisin say wish us a great day!" "Did you tell them thanks from me, too?" "Yes of course!" "Thanks!", Niall says and presses his lips on mine. "I found something interesting yesterday about today, so I will show you later!" "What is it?" "It's something special, but I won't tall you!" "Another surprise?" "Yes!" "Are Saoirse and Roisin coming back?", I ask jokingly. "No, it's something else!" "Will I like it?" "I know I would if I was you, so I hope you do!"

We finish breakfast and get dressed. "We have to leave now!" "Where are we going?" "We're going to take a boat to St. Tropez!" "St Tropez?" "Yes!" "I always wanted to go there!" "Your mum told me so I thought it would be nice, as we're anyway close by." "That's so cool! Thanks, babe!" "Your welcome!" The two of us go to the harbor and get on the boat. The boat ride doesn't take that long and there's a nice brease. When we arrive at the harbor in St. Tropez it all looks beautiful. 

We walk through the streets and it's all so pretty

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We walk through the streets and it's all so pretty. "Thank you so much for bringing me here! I love it!" "I love it here, too!" Later we go for dinner. "This is so yum!" "It really is! Wanna try some of mine?" "Yeah!" I give him a fork of my food. "This is amazing! Wanna try some of mine, too?" "Only a little bit, I'm pretty full already!" Niall gives me a fork of his meal. "I like it, it's not really something I'd order for myself, but it's nice!" Soon after we have to take the boat back, though, because there's only one more boat today.

"Do you wanna go on a walk along the pier?", Niall asks as we arrive back in Frejus. "Yeah, sure!" The sun is setting and it looks really beautiful. All of a sudden Niall stops walking. "Why are you not walking anymore? Is everything alright?" "Yeah, everything is great!" "You sure?" "Yes!" "Then why did you stop?" "Just wait!" Niall looks at the time and then turns me towards the ocean. Then firework starts to light up the sky and Niall gives me a kiss.

After the fireworks we go back to the bungalo, as it's getting cold

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After the fireworks we go back to the bungalo, as it's getting cold. When we get back we both put on a hoodie and long trousers. We ly down in bed."The firework was really pretty, how did you find out about it?" "I saw it on a bilboard yesterday, and thought it would be nice for our anniversary!" "You thought right!" Niall hugs me and I fall asleep in his arms nearly imediately, as I'm really tired.

"The firework was really pretty, how did you find out about it?" "I saw it on a bilboard yesterday, and thought it would be nice for our anniversary!" "You thought right!" Niall hugs me and I fall asleep in his arms nearly imediately, as I'm reall...

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Two days later me and Niall fly back home again and meet up with Saoirse, Luke, Roisin, Flynn, Jason, Lina, Paul and Michael. They all ask "How was your vacation?" "Did you have fun?" "Didn't have too much fun I hope!" "How was your anniversary?". "The vacation was great, our anniversary was also amazing and we had lots of fun, but Roisin, no, we didn't have too much fun!" "Great!" "I'm so happy for you!" "I think we all are, you're just so cute together!" "Thanks guys! You are also cute couples though!"

(763 words)

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