WHAT?? [Y/n]

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I wake up and don't know where I am. Have I been here before? I don't think so. How did I get here? I try to sit up, but can't, because my head hurts to bad. Just then Niall comes in. "How do you feel?" "My head hurts! Where are we and what happened last night?" "First of all, we're at Greg and Brandon's place..." "What? Why? Do they know about us?" "Well, Greg knows but Brandon isn't here and Greg swore not to tell him!" "Ok, but why are we here?" "You were drunk last night and I thought this would be safer and you wouldn't want to go home to your parents drunk!" "How drunk?" "Very! The later it got the drunker you got!" "Why did I even drink? I don't drink!" "Lisa's friends gave everyone a drink before entering the house and it had a high percentaged alcohol in it!" "What?" "She wanted to get the ones, that can't really handle drinking much alcohol drunk as fast as possible so that they would continue drinking and then do embarrassing things!"

"Did I do something?" "Not much as I carried you outside and called Greg to collect us, before it got to bad. I didn't want you to be embarrassed today, but there's one thing." "What one thing?" "You started giving me a lap dance, before I stopped it." "I did what?" "That's not even the bad thing..." "Not the bad thing?" "No, everyone who was still there filmed it!" "Omg! Why would they do that?" "Well, I tried talking you out of it but you wouldn't stop, I guess that's one of the reasons or so you would be embarrassed?" "What else happened?" "Nott much, well the others also had to do dares that got more and more intimate." "Oh, but why?" "Truth or dare!" "Who's idea was it? Let me guess, Lisa's?" "Yep, it was Lisa's idea!" "That was so obvious! I think that was her plan all along! That's why she tried being friends!" "I kind of have that feeling, too! But it's all gonna be good again, I promise! I'll take care of it!" "Aww, your the best!"

I want to sit up and hug Niall, but I can't, cause everything is still turning and my head really hurts. Niall sees that I tried to sit up to be closer to him, so he lies down beside me, that I wouldn't have to move. "I love you, babe!" "I love you, too! I will never let that happen again!" "What do you mean?" "I mean, next time I'll get you out of somewhere and get you safe, before you get to drunk!" "You won't have to, I'm never drinking again! I didn't even want to in the first place!" I give him an intense kiss and then we hear the front door shut. "Hey, Brandon! I thought you were only coming back later?" We hear Greg saying and Niall lifts me out of bed, as I can't really move to fast. "Yeah, thought so, too, one of the guys didn't feel good so I left." "Would you mind getting some bread rolls, we ran out of bread!" "Sure, I'll be back in ten minutes!" The front door closes and we walk out to the hallway where Greg is standing. "Thanks for everything, Greg! Last night and just now!" "No problem! Do you feel better?" "I have a headache and I get dissy if I mo e to fast, but otherwise I'm fine!" "You better go now,  efore Brandon comes back!" "Bye, Greg!", me and Niall say at the same time. "Bye, guys! I don't know if somebody's told you already, but your a cute couple!" "Thanks!"

Niall and I walk back home and once we get home he drops me off and only goes in himself, once he sees I am inside. "Everything alright, Y/n/n?" "Yes, I just didn't sleep alot!" "That's totally understandable! I just want to ask you about one little thing!" "What's that?" "I got this video this morning!" She shows me the video of giving Niall a lap dance e and I turn red. "Where did you get that?" "Some anonymous number. Why were you doing that though?" "I was dared to!" "By who? Why would you do such a thing? You shouldn't even do it if it's a dare!" "Lisa dared me to and I know, I wasn't planning on doing it, but Lisa put alcohol into my drink, so that I would embarrass myself!" "She did what?" "She put alcohol into my drinks!" "I will have to talk to her parents about this!" "I don't think they care!" "Then I'll talk to the principal and get her expelled!" "So your not mad at me?" "A little, but I'm more mad at Lisa! You go lie down and rest, I'll be up in a sec!"

After about ten minutes mum comes into my room and tells me, what the principal and her talked about. "I told the principal about what happened last night and he said, he'd definitely talk to her and her parents and she will be punished, but he isn't sure, if she can be expelled for that." "That's good!" "Yes, it is! Are you ok Y/n/n?" "I have a headache, that's all!" "Your very lucky, you didn't get hurt or really sick!" "I know, mum, but this is bad enough, especially because I didn't intend on drinking! Ever!" "I know, but it's not your fault! And you should be very thankful, that Niall brought you out of there when he did, who knows what could have happened! Where did you stay last night though?" "First of all, I am thankful for Niall and second, Niall called Greg to collect us, so we stayed at theirs!" "That's nice of him!" "Yeah, it is!"

(980 words)

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