Christmas Is Coming [Y/n]

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We're at Nialls alone. "Niall, will you drive me to the mall? I need some more Christmas presents!", I call up the stairs. "If I have to," Niall replies annoyed, already coming down the stairs. "You're the best!", I say, making it clear how happy he makes me. "Y/n, how many more presents do you need?" Niall asks as we walk out to the car. "Why are you ask? Do you have plans?", I want to know. "No reason. But maybe a couple of my friends wanted to come over later and hang out!", he replies. "Sounds nice! I'll be quick, I promise!", I reply. Niall gets in the car and asks again, "So, how many presents do you need?" "To be honest, I still need all of them," I laugh and Niall looks shocked and laughs, "Who doesn't have a single gift at this time? There's not much time left!" "I know, but I haven't had time to go Christmas shopping until now! I also need something to wear for Christmas," I add. "It's going to be a long day though, good thing we're leaving now even though it's only twelve o'clock," Niall jokes. I'm really looking forward to this day, even though I don't really like shopping. For Niall I have to buy a very good gift, especially as a thank you for putting up with me, even though I am the most chaotic person you could imagine.

"We're almost there, do you know which store you want to go to first?", he asks me because otherwise it'll be another half hour before we finally get to one of the stores. "Yes, but you're not coming to the first store because I'm picking up your gift there," I explain. "Where are you going? The exit we have to take was back there!" I laugh. "Well, I thought we'd grab a quick bite to eat before shopping," he replies, not wanting to admit that he wasn't paying attention and therefore missed the exit. "Ok, where are we going?" I ask curiously. "McDonald's, where else?" I start laughing and joke, "Oh, so romantic, I don't think I'm dressed fancy enough though!" "You always look fancy! No matter what you wear. And yes, it is very romantic," he laughs along.

"Is it ok if you order and I find a table and make a reservation? I'll have the Vegan TS with an ice tea," I tell Niall as we stand in line. "Yeah, there's a table up front, sit there!", Niall suggests and I do the same. I sit at the table and think about for who and what kind of gifts I need. I definitely need a gift for Niall, my parents, my brothers, and my two best friends and possibly for Niall's parents since they are coming to visit us on Christmas Eve. Until Niall joins me at the table with our food and drinks, I continue to think and have already thought of something for everyone except my dad. "Your food," Niall calls and I retort, "Not so loud!" but Niall doesn't care at all that everyone is staring at us. "Do you know that there's a Christmas market around the corner that just opened? Maybe we could stop by there before we go shopping?", I ask, because I'm kind of in the Christmas market mood. "Sure, but then you have to be quick when you go shopping, otherwise you won't make it in time," he replies. "I can manage that, I already know what I'm looking for that's why it shouldn't really take that long," I reply.

Once we get to the Christmas market Niall asks, "Should I get us a pair of roasted almonds?" "Um, I don't like roasted almonds and besides, I'm full. How can you still be hungry? You ate three times as much as I did," I ask him eventhough I know his answer already, "First, I know you don't like them but wanted to be nice and second, you know me, I could eat all day!" And I agree with him. We then head to the mall and surprisingly don't stay there as long as I thought we would.

I have all the presents now and am just trying to find something to wear for Christmas. Niall is carrying all the bags, except the one with his present, while I try on some clothes. Whenever I show Niall the outfit I'm trying on he says, "You look fancy as always and it suits you very well", however I'm not so sure about some things.

I don't take long to decide what to buy and what not to buy. Other girls would have taken hours, but not me. It only took me an hour and a half to do all the shopping, which I think Niall loved. "Let me pay," he tells me as I pull out my purse, but I say, "No, it's my clothes I should pay." "Still, let me pay, I'm glad it didn't take you five hours to shop, let me pay as a thank you!", he replies and after a long back and forth Ishe give in and let him pay.

We drive home and I immediately turn on Christmas music and ask, "Are your friends actually still coming or should we just have a cozy evening in front of the fireplace and play some games?" "Cozy evening sounds better!"  Niall answers and already turns on the fireplace while I get some games.

In case you're wondering, if you've read this before, you might have if you read my OneShots. This is one of them just changed a little! I hope you like the story till now!

(909 words)

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