Kaithlyn's Wedding [Y/n]

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The day is finally here! My aunt's wedding is today! I'm so excited and don't hesitate getting out of bed once my alarm rings at seven a.m.. First I put my Jumpsuit on and then I do my hair.

I decide on a neat messy bun, if you know what I mean, and just as I finish, the doorbell rings

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

I decide on a neat messy bun, if you know what I mean, and just as I finish, the doorbell rings. I go downstairs and open the door, as mum, dad and Colin are still getting dressed. Niall is at the door. "Come in, babe, the other three still need some time and Brandon should be coming in about ten minutes." The two of us walk into the livingroom while we wait and sit down on the couch. "You look absolutely stunning, babe!" "You look gorgeous, too, babe!" "I love you!" I lean in closer to him to give him an intensive kiss. "I..", Niall starts during the kiss, "Love...", he continues, without breaking the kiss, "You...", he continues wispering into the kiss, "Too!" Suddenly the doorbell rings. "Oh, that must be Brandon!" I go over to the door and let Brandon in.

"Hey!" "Hey, Brandon!" We walk into the livingroom, where Niall is waiting for us. "Oh, hey, dude! What are you doing here? Do you know our aunt, or why are you coming?" "I think we need to tell you something!" "What do you need to tell me?" "Well, Niall and me are dating..." "What? I told you you would! Since when? Why am I only finding out now? Do the others know?" "For about two to three weeks and yes, the others all know, including Greg!" "How does Greg know, but I don't?" "Remember when you were at your friends and came home, so Greg sent you to get some breadrolls or something like that?" "Yes!" "Well, the two of us were there!" "What?" We continue explaining everything to Brandon untill the others come downstairs and are ready to go.

Once we get to the curch we all sit down in the first two rows. We wait for about ten minutes till Chris walks down the isle and waits for Kaithlyn. Another five minutes later the flowergirls, which are Chris' two little nieces, come down the isle in cute little dresses.

 Another five minutes later the flowergirls, which are Chris' two little nieces, come down the isle in cute little dresses

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Their dresses are whitish and have a big, pinky bow tied around it. They are each carrying a basket filled with flowers and have a flower crown on. They look so cute. Once the two of them get to the fronth, they sit down next to their parents in the first row and Kaithlyn comes in.

 Once the two of them get to the fronth, they sit down next to their parents in the first row and Kaithlyn comes in

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Her dress is absolutely gorgeous. She is just so pretty. She is very nervous, but in a good way. everyone can see that. Chris is nervous, too. Once she arrives infronth of Chris, you can just see, how in love they are. Throughout the entire ceremony I feel like I have to cry, because it's so nice. I want my wedding to be like this. After the ceremony we all drove to a hotel for the wedding party and lunch. Once everyone arrived lunch was served and shortly after Kaithlyn and Chris got their first dance as married couple. Later on the two of them went around to talk to all the guests and when Kaithlyn came to me I told her everything I was thinking during the ceremony. "You look absolutely stunning, Kaithlyn!" "Thanks, you look amasing yourself, too!" "And this place, wow, I just love it!" "Can I ask you something?" "Sure, what's up?" "You and Niall, what exactly is going on?" "We're dating, why?" "He just won't stop staring at you!", Kaithlyn starts to giggle. "Really? Oh, I guess he is!", I say, joining in with the laughter. "So, how did you meet?" "This is your day, we should, if at all, talk about you!" "I know, but I really wanna know!" "Well, Niall came into our class this year after moving here from Mullingar and then it tourned out, he lived next door." "That's really nice!"

"Uh, I love this song!", I say while jumping up and grabbing Kaithlyn by the arm to drag her on to the dancefloor with me. For the next few songs the two of us were joined by other guests, so the dancefloor was flooded with people. "May I have this dance, babe?", Niall asks when a slow song starts. "Of course, babe!" He puts his hands around my waist and I lay my head on his chest. "I love you, babe!" "I love you, too!" We continue dancing all night and by the time we go upstairs to our hotel rooms it's nearly four o'clock in the morning, so we all literally fall into bed. The next morning we all met downstairs at breakfast and when Kaithlyn and Chris go off on their honeymoon, the rest of us drive home.

(878 words)

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