Birthday [Niall]

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It's a good while later now, to be exact, it's the 13 of September. And you know what that means. It's my birthday, my 18th birthday. I probably won't do to much today, but maybe Jason, Paul and Michael will come over. Of course Y/n aswell. Just then I look at my phone and see many messages. The messages are from Mully, Conor, Greg, Jason, Paul, Michael, Y/n and many more from Mullingar, my family and my class. Most of them are just "Happy Birthday, Niall 🎉", some are a bit more personal and longer, for example Mully, Conor and Y/ns.


Babe🥰: Happy Birthday, Babe🥳🥳 I have something special planned for tonight🥰. Come over to my place at four to see. I'll give you your present then. Love you 😘



Mully: Happy Birthday, dude🎉! Your a grandpa now. Your 18!! I'm a baby compared to you🤣🤣 I remember when we met, it was today 13 years ago. You were in the park with your mum and I ran into you, cause I was running away from my mum🤣🤣 Hope to see you soon and take care. How's it going with your crush😏??



Conor: Happy Birthday, Nialler🎉! 18, wow! I remember you walking around in diapers👶🤣🤣 How have you been? Haven't heard from you in a while, hope we'll see eachother again soon!


All these messages made me smile and I can't wait to go over to Y/ns at four. That's in about three hours. Those three hours I spend with mum, dad and Greg, who came over to ours for my birthday. At four I go over to Y/ns and once I get in she jumps into my arms and gives me a kiss. "Happy Birthday, babe!" "Thank you!" "Put on this blindfold!" "Why?" "Its a surprise. You'll see in a bit!" I put on the blindfold and she brings me to a car and tells me to get in. We drive for about ten minutes and when we stop, she brings me into some building and then I take off the blindfold, once she tells me to. The room is decorated really nice and Mully, Conor and some other friends from Mullingar are here as well as Jason, Paul and Michael. "What are you guys doing here?" "Nice to see you, too, dude!" "I am happytosee you, but what are you doing here? How...?" "Y/n asked us to fly over to surprise you!" "I thought you'd like to see them again." "I do, thank you so much!" I give her a kiss. Me and the guys catch up a bit and I introduce them to Jason, Paul and Michael. All of a sudden Y/n anounces, that there will be live music and then a group of musicians came in and set up in the corner. "Hey, everyone! We're here to make Nialls party special, so if you have any music wishes, just come on over and tell me, so I can see, what we can do about it."

All of a sudden the band starts playing "Happy Birthday" and Y/n gives me a birthday cake and pulls out her phone to take a picture.

All of a sudden the band starts playing "Happy Birthday" and Y/n gives me a birthday cake and pulls out her phone to take a picture

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All of us get small pieces of cake, as the cake isn't to big and we all want some. Y/n puts on some music and we all dance around. The later it gets the hungrier all of us get, well, I'm always hungry, but the others are hungry now to so Y/n brings out some food and posts a picture on Instagram. We all have lots of laughs and Mully and Conor try to get me drunk, which unfortunately for them and fortunately for me doesn't work. I keep rejecting the drinks they bring me. I'm the eldest and the only one who can legaly drink, but I don't want to drink infront of Y/n as I am not a good drunk. When I'm drunk I do very stupid stuff. Conor and Mully take a few drinks, but not very many and Y/n, Jason, Paul and Michael don't drink at all. You defenitely see the difference between the two schools. Or at least the people I hang out with. I love Conor and Mully, but I think Y/n, Paul, Jason and Michaels company is helping me, not to become an alcoholic, like many people from my old school, who I hung out with, except for Conor and Mully, they never drank that much or often. 

Once I got home I looked at the Instagram post from Y/n and smiled.

Happy Birthday, Babe😘 Hope you enjoyed your surprise and had lots of fun

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Happy Birthday, Babe😘 Hope you enjoyed your surprise and had lots of fun. As always food made you happier than anything else🤣


Me: Thank you soooo much, babe, I love you 😘🥰 and had an amazing time today! Thanks for asking Mully, Conor and the other guys from Mullingar to come over!

Babe🥰: No problem, I enjoyed getting to know them, you keep talking about them🤣. Love you, too😘🥰 Sleep well😘

Me: Sleep well, see you tomorrow😘

Babe: Yeah, see you tomorrow😘


I put my phone away and fall asleep with a smile on my face.

(903 words)

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