Picnic [Niall]

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Sunday morning when I wake up, I decide to check the weather forecast and since it's bot supposed to rain, plan a picnic for Y/n and me. 


Me: Mornin, babe😘, sleep well??

Me: I'll collect you in about two hours ok? Wear something warm😘

Babe😘: Mornin😘, slept well, you??

Babe😘: Two hours are fine, is it a surprise again??

Me: Yes, it is.

Babe😘:Aren't you lucky I like surprises😂

Me: Very😂 See you later😘

Babe😘: See you later😘


I got ready and got the picnic blanket out of the celer. Then I made some sandwiches and snacks and grabed some sweets from the cupboard. It was already ten to twelve and I was going to pic her up at twelve, so I just put everything in the trunk of the car and asked my mum, who just came downstairs, "Mum, could you set up the picnic in the parc for me, please? I'm running a little late." "Sure, hun, where are the stuff?" "In the trunk of the car already. Can you send me the exact location once you've set up the picnic?" "Sure, might take a while though, so maybe go for a walk in the forrest first." "Ok, thanks mum, just tell me when you're finished and take your time." "I will, hun, now go get Y/n, you told her you'll collect her at twelve and it is two minutes before twelve. Have fun!" "Thanks, mum, love you!" "Love you too, hun!" I grab my shoes and my coat and go ring her doorbell, while my mum still waits for us to leave, so we don't see her.

"Hello, Niall, come in! Y/n will be ready in two minutes." "Thank you, Mrs. Y/l/n!" "Call me Aine." "Ok, I will from now on." "Has Greg talked to you about his and Brandons appartment?" "He hasn't said much, but he did say, that their neighbours are very nice and they feel comfortable in their appartment." "That's nice to hear, Brandon hasn't said anything. Oh look, Y/n is here." "Hey, Niall!" "Hey, Y/n! You look beautiful, like always!" "Aww, thanks, you also look beautiful!" "We'll be off then, I'll have her home by six." "Don't worry, take your time, have fun." "Ok, see you later." "Bye, mum!" "Bye!" Once we're  outside I notice, that our car is gine, which means, mum left while we we're inside. "So, what are we doing? Where are we going?" "Could it be that you're excited?" "Yes!" I give her a kiss and then say "We're  gonna go for a walk in the forest first and then I have a surprise for you." "A surprise in a surprise, what a lucky girl I am!" "I'm luckier, because I have you and get to spend time with you!" "Well, I'm even luckier, because I have you." 

We walk through the forest and then I get a text from mum, telling me she's finished and the location of the picnic. "Time for the surprise!" "Is it here?" "No, it's a nother five minute walk from here, but then we can sit down." I actually don't know that exact spot where the picnic is set up, as I haven't really walked through the park, but mum said the spot is beautiful and I trust her. Five minutes later we arrive at a waterfall surrounded with beautiful flowers and the picnic in the middle of the gras.

 Five minutes later we arrive at a waterfall surrounded with beautiful flowers and the picnic in the middle of the gras

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"Did you do this?" I'm still speechless because of the spot my mum picked so I stutter "Y...Yes... well...n...no...my mum picked...the spot, but I made the picnic." "It's beautiful here, how did she find it, I've lived here my entire life and have never seen this place?" "I have absolutely no clue. But I'm happy you like it." "Like it? No, no, no! I love it!" "Or that. Here, take a seat." We both sit down and enjoy the sandwiches and snacks I made and still can't get over how beautiful it is here. "Can we maybe video call your mum, I wanna say thank you?" "Sure!" I take out my phone and dial my mums number. "Oh, hello Y/n, everything ok?" "Everything is great! Thank you so much for finding this place, I love it!" "You don't know that place?" "No, I've never seen it!" "Your welcome, sweety, I love seeing you this happy!" "Thank you again!" We hang up and continue our picnic.

When it starts geting dark, we pack everything together and head towards home. "I had a wonderful time today!" "So did I!" "See you tomorrow, babe!" "Yes, see you tomorrow, babe, love you!" We kiss good bye and she walks into her house, while I go to our house. Once I'm inside my mum asks "Did you guys have a nice time?" "Yes, we did, thank again for the help!" "Your welcome, isn't that place wonderful?" "It's amazing! How did you find it?" "I just asked a work collegue of mine if she knows a nice place and she suggested that spot." "It's so beautiful!" "I am happy you share my oppinion. You guys are a really cute couple and you deserve a beautiful place like that one for a date!" "Thanks, mum! Do you need any help with dinner?" "No, hun, it's fine! You just pack the leftovers from the picnic away and then that's help enough!" I pack away the containers and the leftovers and then we sit down together for dinner.

(921 words)

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