Uncharted Waters

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Christian decided to get me alone on his boat, he still can't convince me to get married to him. I think we are doing fine how we are. Living in my apartment is going to have to change though. He has his house on the sound. He wants us to move there. We arrive at his home and go to the dock and get on the boat. Security has been told where we are headed and we head out in the boat alone. The day is sunny so it is a good day we'll it was a good day.
I have the engagement ring in my pocket of my shorts. We both have our life vests on and the boat has been checked out thoroughly. I told security where we were headed and checked the radio. We have supplies on board for the afternoon and overnight. I plan to ask her to marry me again but with the engagement ring.
I have this gut feeling about mr Grey and Miss Steele going out on the boat overnight. I had Sawyer go on a boat and keep a good distance so he is close but not too close. He has four bodyguards with him as well. He checked his radio and satellite phone.
The day started out pretty nice, but the rain started and we had a hard time keeping an eye on the Grace. I watch as they are attempting to head into a port area. We are even having trouble as well. I call Taylor and ask him what we should do at this point?
Stay with them as well as you can. If they head in to land follow them.
The boat swaying and tossing has caused me to get ill again. I haven't been able to keep food down and took a pregnancy test and it turned positive. I cried when I saw the triplets, I thought oh Lord I hope I don't have triplets. Since Ethan is not my blood relative and Adelaide isn't either I probably won't have multiple births.
Morning sickness again, or bing out in this storm?
A bit of both. I lay down on the bed.
Let's head back to shore, the storm is getting worse. Put your life jacket back on and dress warmly. I grab pants and hand her some warm clothing and waterproof outerwear. Then the life vest. I throw my clothing on. Quickly and go steer the boat. I notice a boat close by and I tell Anastasia to stay below because the boat is being tossed about way too much.
I lost the view of the Grace for the last hour. I can't see anything at all.
The boat is headed straight for ours and coming at us at a fast pace. I call an sos to the coast guard and tell Anastasia to locate the satellite phone and hit one in it. She hands me both the gun and the phone. I check the gun to make sure it loaded and Taylor gets on the phone and I tell him a boat is about to come along side me and they have guns pointed at our boat. They ram the boat.
Taylor calls me and tells me that a boat has rammed the Grace and they had guns. You need to call the coast guard and try to find mr Grey's position now.
All the people have masks on and I hide the gun and the satellite phone and tell Anastasia to stick close to me. I hid the engagement ring in the cooler along with the gun and the phones. A masked person gets on board and four others follow them they drag me and Anastasia off the Grace and onto their boat.
Masked person
I point the gun at the two and demand they get on the other boat. My team forces them over to the other boat.
I do as I am told like Christian instructed me to., but I start throwing up again and can't stop. One of the people throw water on me to stop me from throwing up and then makes me get in my knees to clean it up. They had a gun at my head all while I am cleaning it up. Christian tried to help me, but they are keeping us apart. They have a gun to his head. They are tying him to the mast and put tape in his mouth. Then they tie me to another place on the boat. The tape my mouth and tell me try not to throw up, we can't have you choke in your own vomit.
There are seven people so far and I don't think they are all men. I think the leader might be female. Interesting.
Back in Seattle
I just got word Sarah escaped with help. She has been in the run for several days now. Sarah Sanders is on the run and we can't find the Grace and no one is picking up the satellite phone that mr Grey called from. The coast guard is still looking for the Grace
Two hours later
We found the Grace no one us on board the coast guard is here. There are no sign of them and I checked for them. Two life vest are gone. We need to allow the coast guard to tow the Grace in to see if they can find out if foul play is at hand. Taylor tell me that Sarah Sanders are on the loose.
We have to alert the families and let them know mr Grey and Miss Steele are missing.
Masked person 2
What now?
Masked Person 3
Money of course we have two multi billionaires here with us. We get money and kill them both. Head to Port of Allyn. We can hide them there easily.
Masked Person 1
Works for me, we need to get the down below give them a shot so they won't fight.
I can't see anything because they have a mask over my face and the tape is preventing me from talking, but I hear a lot. That shot might hurt the baby whatever it might be.
Masked person 4
I hear a noise and damn she is choking, get that tape off her mouth we can't risk her dying on the boat.
Masked person 5
Grr I grab the tape and untie her and clear her throat and give her CPR and the breath finally comes after more throw up comes up. I have someone clean the throw up off her and the boat. Then we place a mask over her face and tie her up and put her in bedroom. We tie them back to back.
A boat slides into a slip in Port Allyn and it goes unnoticed by dock workers.

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