A Seizure In Time

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The ER doctors got the seizure under control and did a ct scan. Anastasia had to have a blot clot removed. They called for her medical records from Seattle Grace. I signed for them to be faxed to them. I forgot that Christian was with me and went into mom mode and told them as much as I could about her injuries when she was six.
Dr Drake
I was called to operate and remove a clot from a young woman's brain. It was a very difficult surgery, she had surgery before and I had the notes before me. After reading the records again I sat there thinking about all these abused kids having long lasting effects from the abuse they were dealt as children. After her being hospitalized at six, she only has regular doctors visits for all the normal things until now. This clot has been giving her headaches and she must have thought they were normal. I explain to her mother and ask if she noticed her in any pain.
She had a few headaches and I told her we should get her seen, but she was busy working on a project and going to school. Next time we won't let her go without seeing a doctor. The doctor rubs his head and says, she can't continue on the form of birth control she is on.
Dr Drake
You need to tell her that if I can't get back to talk to her myself. I hear my name called and go running to the ER.
How badly was she injured?
She flatlined six times she had brain surgery and see that huge scar on each of her arms her father threw a beer bottle at her it exploded and cut her arms badly enough for a transfusion and they found the head injuries because she seized. They got everything repaired but she went into a coma. Her parents did all this damage to her. She is a survivor and so are Ethan and Kate. They saved Anastasia's life by getting her to a fire station near them after finding her bleeding out in a snow bank in the backyard. They lived in duplex next to each other. All three children were brought in and immediately hospitalized. I adopted Anastasia and fostered Ethan and Kate and then adopted them. All rights were taken away from both sets of parents for very good reasons. I won't tell you about all the abuse done to these three children before I brought them into the home we live in now. I had that home child friendly just for them. My family home is full of antiques and not child friendly.
Now that you mention it, it was definitely a comfortable environment for children. Mostly set up for children or adults with children. We wait and wait, she finally wakes up. I call mom and dad and tell them the news and they ask me if I read the news this morning yet? I say no. Now I need to definitely look at the newspapers.
Seattle News:
Ladies will be thrilled that Elliott Grey and Gia Matteo didn't tie the knot. So he is still single.
Other news is that the heir to the Steele estate was killed along with his wife when they broke into the Steele family home and shit killed two security personnel and the police shot and killed them. They had been out of prison for years and they chose to break into the Steele home to apparently take it and their daughter back from her grandmother. She recently turned 18, this information came from their mouths as they were in a stand off with the authorities and the rest of the security team. They had been in prison due to the abuse they had inflicted on their only child.
They make it seem so simple don't they? Anastasia flatlined six times and was in a coma for a couple of weeks. Her parents were addicts, I didn't know there was a child until CPS contacted me. Anastasia was one of a set of fraternal twins. Her brother died because they couldn't get Anastasia out fast enough. A c section had to done and her brother was stillborn. They were addicted to drugs before that though. Anastasia doesn't know anything about this. She lost a lot of those memories on the conscious level. But they can be triggered by events or talking about her parents. I think this is the clot this time. She will definitely go back into therapy.
I call mom and she says they had to operate on Anastasia, but they think she will be fine. Ethan listens as we both talk to mom about the newspaper articles.
Adelaide was looking at the newspaper and hoped they wouldn't include anything on us or the family. She showed me what it said and I told her we have to do a wait and see and she can concentrate on the editing she has due. I have to get her mind off what might happen and what needs to happen. Albert calls me regarding mom and why she hasn't called him back. I tell him Anastasia is in the hospital and that is why.
I want her to call me about Shelly and why she isn't being offered the CEO position yet?
You are aware that she isn't going to be offered the CEO position ever. That is my position along with Kate and Anastasia. Plus according to mom she can't even do the COO job properly. Gabriel Cook warned me about Albert Dennison and his ideas of he and his daughter inheriting the Steele company. Robert Cook has been exemplary in his position as COO. Mom has had to call Shelly out more than once and the last time she told another mistake and she would be terminated. Mom told me that Albert heard about it and demanded she apologize for her actions against his daughter. She started termination of Shelly and they have everything in place. Mom told me she will need me to take the CEO position here in New York and Kate will take the Seattle CEO position. She is creating a third company for Anastasia to be CEO. This was her plan all along. She just hadn't thought I would move to New York so soon. She plans to get me the right staffing so I can grow into the position. I will be Adelaide's boss. That won't go down well.

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