The World Turns

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Mom put me on as CEO Seattle working along with Robert Cook and my own assistant that I asked Eloise to find for me. Her judgement of character is and was on the mark about mom marrying Adam and her marrying Gabriel cook. She was hinting at an issue with Albert and his relationship with Shelly, but couldn't come out and tell anyone what she suspected. She needed hard evidence and couldn't get it. Mom is helping Shelly all she can, but for now she is helping Anastasia heal. She bought a small factory and revamped it for a project Anastasia and Christian are going into manufacturing and marketing.
Mom has me seeing a psychiatrist and a neurologist and an OB/GYN after we got back to Seattle. My college is working out well. The project is coming along and mom bought a building that was manufacturing things and we had it revamped for my things. Christian thinks it is funny that I call my projects things or games. He says let his marketing staff give them names.
Mom thinks I have a thing for Anastasia. I barely see her at all. She has a packed schedule and so do I. I do know that Elliott and Kate have been seeing each other and she has been open with him about what happened to her before Jane adopted her and Ethan. Jane and Eloise have donated clothing and money to a homeless shelter that a friend of their runs. Her name is Caren, she ended up in the hospital and Jane took over in her place at the shelter. Talk about moving quickly to find a better building and a bigger one. She called Elliott for his thoughts on how to do it and make it fully handicapped modified. Money moves people and Jane saved her money for goo things not frivolous things. She and Eloise taught Anastasia, Kate, and Ethan how to strive for the best. They were also taught quality is not always the most expensive. Mom and dad think they were very lucky when Jane moved them to the house by us. Dad thinks it was a miracle in the making. He still won't tell us much about what he knows about what and how he knows them.
I know Kate is 8 years younger than I am, but I can't help myself and think she is the one for me. We have known each other since she was six.  Mom tells me that age is just a number unless she is a minor. Then she tells me that Jane was half her husbands age. He was 89 and she was 44 when he died. Which was the same year she adopted Anastasia, Ethan and Kate. She said if you are meant for each other and both are of age what's stopping you? I told her I don't know. We are both financially secure.
The trial was torture, but I had support from people who owe me nothing, but helped me anyway. He was found guilty and he will be serving time after they brought my medical records into the case. Then they opened a case against him regarding my mother. They found him guilty of her murder after exhumation of her body. So he is in jail for life. Jane found me a job that I can't get into trouble again and it pays well. It is a homeless shelter she sponsors. I watch over the food contributions and the clothing. None if the cash donations go through me. She made sure I was provided with everything I would need. I could be in jail right now.
Albert didn't get anything from Jane's office. He was worse than any of us ever thought. He would have killed Jane too after he took everything from her. Gabriel was shocked about him being a murderer. We live a modest life and he enjoys being a home body. He sold his company so he lives off that money. My company is expanding more and my assistant has more to handle. Plus I have to handle the assistants  under me for Jane. I told Jane my plate is overflowing and I asked to resign and put someone in my place. One if the three or all of them.
Well you are the only one I trust with my checkbooks. So don't put them in charge of those. She agrees with me. I just don't want someone with a free hand in my money is all. Plus the trust account is about  be turned over to the kids. I think they can cope with a billion each. It will be up to them how they deal with having that much money. I am hoping I instilled in them frugality and kindness. They had to give up time to help others in unfortunate circumstances.
I got another bad case of abuse today and they need a place immediately. I call Jane and ask if she us still qualified as a foster parent? Caseworker O'Donnel
I can't figure out why this doctor Grey is anxious to place this boy so quickly. But he has a known foster parent that will take the boy.
Charles Duncan
I look at the doctor and he seems familiar to me. He did a weird test on me and I was told that I needed to be put in foster care right away. They can't place me in the children's home like they normally do.
Carrick told me a four year old boy arrived in the ER from exposure. He was in a diaper only and he is tiny for a five year old. But he thinks he knows the mother of the boy. It isn't his child, but he could be related to them. He needs to place him in my care until he finds out for sure. He can't take him into his home for the child's safety.

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