A Full Plane

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I can't believe that the plane is full. All the Grey family, the Steele family and their bodyguards and Eloise and her husband. The Taylor's and security came as well. We had to have another pilot and a jet. Anastasia decided to have her plane go as a decoy. I went with her and Jason Gregg went with Mia. Gail came with us. Kate and Elliott came with us as well. Security teams were ordered to assure Adelaide, the twins and Ethan were completely protected. The rest of us had one on board and one waiting for us on arrival. Anastasia wouldn't talk about things that happened before her grandmother adopted her, Kate and Ethan. What started out as Elliott's wedding day turned into an escape to New York and it wasn't due to Elliott. Sometimes you just need to stay in bed. Gia dumped Elliott, lucky man and I had a one nighter and dumped her bridesmaid. Somehow that isn't enough to get even with Gia. I look at Kate and Anastasia, both are very young. Still haven't lived life to the fullest. Elliott is busy flirting with Kate and she is flirting back. Anastasia is just ignoring them and concentrating on something else. It looks like a class schedule of some type.
I pull out my class schedule just to keep occupied and to avoid noticing Kate and Elliott flirting with each other. Christian seems to be scrutinizing what I am doing and not just me though. I look up and see him looking and he looks away. Hmmm maybe I should do that. I usually am not awkward around him. Something has changed and I don't know what it is.
I whisper to Kate to look at Anastasia and Christian in a moment and watch.
I then see them glancing at one another and looking away as soon as they look at one another it's hilarious. Elliott and I enjoy talking to each other. I ask him if he is still upset that Gia ran out on him?
If she hadn't ran, I was going to stop the wedding anyway. I just couldn't go through with the wedding. What people, including Gia didn't know is that the moment someone becomes friends with any of since Christian is a now a billionaire, we all have security including coverts and they get followed as well. So you know your privacy was already violated by the press, but the coverts you don't see know everything. Gia was not discreet to say the least. When she was found to have birth control pills on her credit card purchases after saying she was pregnant. I was made aware and I was waiting to humiliate her in front of everyone at the wedding. Someone beat me to it.
I heard a few people were against the wedding. I also heard she was going to set you up for a thorough cleaning of your bank accounts..
Mom would've never allowed that to happen. She was set to go head to head with on committing fraud and forgery along with falsifying documents. She had her dead to rights, she just needed her to go through with the wedding. What she didn't know was if she signed the marriage certificate they had cops waiting to arrest her. Of course mom didn't tell me that beforehand. She wanted Gia behind bars for a while.
Your mom had Gia's number. You are very lucky to have a mother and a father like them. Mom is great and we are happy and loved, but it wasn't always the case for all three of us. Our bios weren't nice in any sense of the word.
I get up and go sit by Anastasia, I want to know why it is a huge issue about Kavanagh and what happened and why. I know they were all taken away from their parents. Her parents were drug addicts. They were released from prison for good behavior a few years ago. I know that Jane has restraining orders against them to stay away from the whole Steele family and our family as well. She was thinking ahead of the game. So far no one has seen her parents or heard of them.
Christian I would prefer not to think or talk about that horrible time in my life and my siblings life. Let's just say zero press is too much press for us. Who knows what my parents would try if they knew how to grab me, Kate or Ethan. Plus it would effect Kate and Ethan in ways that us like it all happening again, but the whole world knowing what they suffered is not acceptable.
I see tears start to glisten in her eyes and ask the steward for a bottle of water and she brings it to me. I hand her the bottle and tell her to drink it. I am glad the twins are in the other plane. I ask Anastasia what she is going to college to become.
An arsonist of course, just kidding. I am working on various projects that I need to get courses completed to be taken seriously. Plus mom wants me to get a complete education.
What are the projects and are they ready to see?
They are mostly education and non violent resolution games for children and adults. They are working prototypes and the patent office has approved them. I would ask mom to help with manufacturing and distribution, but I want it to stand on it's own. I show him photos of the game and how it works and how much it takes to make it cost wise.
I could look and see if it is a viable product and we can talk about it and figure out a plan and a contract if it is something we can market for a nice profit. How does that sound.

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