Meeting Jane Steele

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Caseworker Smith
I meet Mrs Jane Steele after a trying day in court taking her son and daughter in laws parental rights away from the permanently. Now Anastasia is in the foster care system, but still in a coma. They believe she will come out of it soon. She's starting to have nightmares. Which means by what the neurosurgeon says that she will soon wake up. We still can't find Enid Kavanagh. This isn't Eamon's first missing wife. He is awaiting trial now. His rights were terminated, there was no doubt he sexually assaulted both his kids. They had to have surgery to repair the damage he did to them. The hone is definitely not child friendly. But she shows me the house she intends on raising Anastasia in and it needs more done. She says it is being decorated to accommodate children. She hasn't been allowed to visit Anastasia until we clear her. She shows me the bedroom her decorator is creating for Anastasia, it is beautiful, I ask her if she would consider fostering the two children who pretty much saved Anastasia's life by getting her to the firehouse and the firefighters.
I don't know, I might have to hire help for that, is that allowed?
I think we can work with that. Do you want to meet them first?
Let's get the paperwork started and then go see them and my granddaughter.
She isn't awake yet, the Kavanagh children are still recovering from their surgery. It will be a couple of weeks before they will be released and they will all need follow up care.
Just give me or Eloise the information and we can get bedrooms ready for them.
I and Kate are in the same room after our surgeries. I hear Kate crying from the pain. The stupid nurse was saying they found mommy finally. She was found in the freezer in the basement. On top of another frozen body. I know Kate misses her, but she has forgotten how cruel our mother was to us both. She knew what he was doing to us and blamed us for it. She would beat us after he raped us. Then he would beat her for beating us.
Is it really mommy Ethan?
I don't know, but it would explain a lot. We won't be going back to that place again.
Can I get my dollies?
We can ask the caseworker.
Caseworker, what is that?
She is going to find us a place to live, hopefully together. A caseworker is someone who helps in cases like ours. We are no longer going to be hurt by our father. We can ask about your dollies and our clothing. My things as well. I can't get up to comfort her. I hope I can change positions soon.
Caseworker Smith
I walk in and see the Kavanaugh children crying. Someone has undoubtedly opened their big mouths and said enough to upset them. I wished they would remember little children listen more intently than grown ups would. Adults can make my life harder. I see dr Grey and ask him if his people said anything that would cause the Kavanagh children to cry. I see an intern frown and look away. Never mind and nod to the intern, I just got my answer. The intern that just looked away needs to be more discreet about discussing anything near children it concerns.
Dr Grey
I will make them very aware of that sorry about that. The boy needs to try to get up and move around. They both will need to continue on medicines and watch for any infection or fevers. Anastasia has been awake and they have started her on soft foods. She will need another week at most. We have to get her up and walking. The diets will be sent with all of them. Do you have good news for them?
I think we have a home for all three of them. She needs to meet the children first. She wants them to be comfortable meeting her and talking to her. I think she needs to feel they will want to stay with her first. Here she comes now.
Eloise, Dawn, Javier and I head to where caseworker Smith is standing by people in white coats. She introduces me to Dr Grey and he tells me about all three children and their situations. I ask to meet them and bring in the staff they will need to become acquainted with. We enter the room and both children are crying. I look at the caseworker and the doctor. Why are they crying, do either of you know?
Is our mother dead?
I am afraid so, your name is Ethan right? He says yes and says as he points at the girl in the other bed and says it is Kate his sister.
Can we get our possessions from our home please?
Caseworker Smith
We have them and have given them to this lady. This is Anastasia's grandmother and she is going to be your foster mother. You and Anastasia will be living in her home if you wish to that is?
You look like Anastasia. Is she okay?
Dr Grey
She is awake and has eaten as of this morning. We can let you see each other if you like. How about we go see her and tell her the good news about your going to be living with her grandmother.
That will be good. You are not going to be mean to us are you?
No, absolutely not. I will fire anyone who mistreats you. I promise as long as you are good children you will not be punished physically. You might get time outs or something limited from use for bad behavior. No physical punishments ever. So are you willing to try living with me and Anastasia?
Dr Grey
We get them into a wheel chair on a cushion.
Can we let them get used to the caretakers, since they are here with us today?
Dr Grey
Of course.
I push the young girl and Javier pushes the boy.
Javier introduces himself and explains he will be one of a few people who will helping to take care of me. He asks me what kind of things I like as Dawn is asking Kate about her likes. Kate looks at me and I give her the okay nod.
I look as the door opens up and I see Kate and Ethan with doctors along with other people walking inside the room. I am still having issues thinking clearly. I hear talking and see a woman saying she is my caseworker then she introduces me to a woman that she says is my grandmother. She will be adopting me and fostering Kate and Ethan. They go on and on and on. I smile at Kate and Ethan. They come closer and ask me if I am okay and if they can live with me and my grandmother? I say yes. I wonder what has happened that I am going to live with a grandmother that I never knew existed.

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