Wedding Plans

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I can't believe mom and dr Forest are getting married. Then again Christian and Anastasia are living in her apartment now. They started dating a few months ago. I suspect mom really liked how dr Forest took to having the grandchildren around and he charmed everyone. Carrick says he is a very good man. They signed a prenuptial agreement. Each keeps their own estates. It is iron clad thanks to Grace. Mom handed the three billion trust funds over to each of us. I had no idea that we had a trust fund and neither did Anastasia or Ethan.
I didn't tell Adelaide, but her family has been working for the Steele's for a while now. She keeps in contact with them, but they feel uncomfortable about coming to see her at our home and they won't let me buy them a nicer home. I did talk them into a couple of cars though and a truck. When I got my trust fund I set up trusts for our children and Adelaide. Just in case something happens to me. Mia and Gregg are having their first child. Adelaide is due any day. Luckily there will be doctors at the wedding if she goes into labor. Mom was going to delay it, but I didn't want her to. After all they aren't going on a honeymoon. Mom is the best mom that ever happened to us three. She deserves to marry yet another Adam. We all live in the same house until Adelaide is ready to go back to work. I think she will want to stay in Seattle. We found a building to incorporate the publishing company into and I will be going back and forth to New York. Mom decided to hire a CEO and COO to fill my shoes in New York and she is working on creating a new branch of the company for me to build. Anastasia has a lot on her plate and offered to let me have a company to restructure and see if I can make a go at it. It just needed a cash infusion and modifications. That is another reason I hired Adelaide's family. I plan to utilize their talents in getting the company off the ground. It is working so far. They haven't figured out they are working for me yet.
I watch as Anastasia walks down the aisle towards me with Ethan giving her away. She is a dream walking. Eloise and Gabriel are matron of honor and best man. I had met Eloise, but Gabriel I hadn't met. He was ill and had been in the hospital for a while. Eloise stayed by him until he felt better. He isn't healed though. Sadly I know his prognosis and it isn't good. I smile as I say I do and I think of how lucky Jane and I are.
I need happy thoughts as she says I do and we kiss and our reception starts. We dance our first dance and go enjoy our guests and our family. This is going to be so nice and fun to have everyone around us. I was so lonely in my huge home. I decided to allow Adelaide's parents move into it and Ethan paid me for it. They are good caretakers of the home.
Adam knows that Gabriel is not going to be around much longer. His son is now moving to New York as CEO for Steele Industries New York. Robert Cook worked his way into the job. Jane has made sure we were okay and hired help for us. My assistants went to work for Kate. But Jane made sure we had qualified staff. Meaning they had medical training, she always was very perceptive. Gabriel just chuckled and told me that was her way of showing she loves us and we are truly her family.
I have very few good days and today isn't one of them. The wheelchair is nearby as well as my caretakers. I want Jane to be okay when I die. Jane is one way she will be okay. Making sure we participate in her wedding is a reminder that we are not far from her thoughts. I dance with Jane and thank her for everything she did for us. She says family is all about being there for each other. Don't hesitate to call us at any time.
I am not going to ruin the wedding, because my labor has started. I look at Ethan and his hands are full with children.
Okay I can tell a woman in labor very easily. Let's time the pains shall we?
I say yes gritting my teeth. Leave it to me to have my baby the day of my mother in law's wedding. I laugh and hold back the scream from the pain I am in.
Do we need to get you to the hospital?
I need to go to the restroom before I burst. I head inside and don't make it until another labor pain hits again. I look and Carrick and a lady walk in along with Grace they ask where my bedroom is at?
We finally get Adelaide in her bed and Dr Cassie Ford checks her out and the baby is arriving soon. An ambulance is a good idea at this point.
I have Kate and Elliott watch the three children while I look for Adelaide. I see someone going in the house and then the ambulance. I run to the house and Adelaide is crying out in pain as the gurney is going towards the door to the ambulance. A lady is going with Adelaide and the attendants, I am waved into the ambulance and hold Adelaide's hands as they are checking her out. We have to stop so the baby can be delivered safely, she is in good condition and breathing very well. But Adelaide is still having contractions. We finally arrive and my daughter is taken to the nursery and a bodyguard follows them to the nursery. I keep forgetting we need bodyguards. Now the babies do as well. Adelaide has our third daughter before I can find out where they had taken her. I now have six children. Four girls and two boys. Mom is going to be thrilled at having so many grandchildren. On her wedding at that.
As we cut the cake I realize Ethan and Adelaide are not here and Kate whispers to me that I am the grandmother of triplets. All girls. Adam and I leave for the hospital immediately.
Security drives us to see our new grandchildren. I love it. They will be living with us longer now. Young children are such a blessing. Jane and I will be there as grandparents and parents as well. She gave me so much just by being my wife. I picture a family photo with the whole family and extended families in them. Christmas Day will be wonderful as we watch everyone open their gifts. Her gift to me is her and her family and extended families.
I look at the triplets with tears in my eyes. Christian pulls me into his arms and says if you would just say yes we can have our own in no time. I kiss him and say something that brings a smile to his eyes.
Are you sure?

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