The Party

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I go over early to help with things at the party and to bring gifts. The banks I bought for Kate, Ethan and Anastasia on their first Christmas. I put a thousand dollars and a fifty cent piece inside the banks. I hand them that along with a favorite toy they liked at my home. Adelaide and Ethan sent a gift for each one of the children and it arrived in time. Kate and Elliott head my way and help me bring the gifts. Kate shows me her ring it is big without being gaudy. Elliott grins and says Kate wants me to walk her down the aisle. I laugh and see that she is serious and I agree to do it.
I see a ring on Kate's finger and omg they got engaged and didn't tell us. Elliott said they wanted to announce when it was a happier moment and the party today gives them the opportunity to announce their engagement.
We want input on the date and the location for the wedding. Dad comes over and we tell him as well. Jane knew because I asked her for Kate's hand in marriage. I see Anastasia arrive and her bodyguards are with her two men and one woman. I frown, something must be up for her to have three around her and two coverts.
I have an issue if you are wondering about my security crews. I can't say anything at this stage, but hopefully it will resolve itself. If it doesn't I will take legal action. Hopefully no one has invited Sarah to this party. Christian assured me he wasn't bringing her.
Well I know she thinks you are encroaching on her territory where Christian is concerned.
We have always worked long hours some together and some not. It hasn't changed any. She knew all this when they started dating. But she crossed the line giving my phone number to strange men. One being her crazy cousin Jose. Now I am getting calls all hours of the night and day and threatening ones. We are working on find out who they are and who gave my number out. Sarah is the number one suspect. Jose us the next suspect. I think they are having others call me as well. She actually accused me of being a gold digger.
That's too funny, did she not know the last name Steele?
Apparently she didn't think I could be from the Steele family who owned Steele Industries. After all Kate is blonde and I am a brunette. She apparently knows nothing about genetics. I don't know what Christian sees in here anyway.
I arrive with my body guards, Gail and Jason are guests today, they took care of Charles and Daphne when they had to get the adoptions to go through. Jane had to assure everything went okay. Plus they have been with me for a long time so they are family to us. Gregg and Mia are married after they eloped on her 21st birthday, mom and dad don't know yet. They are telling them today per another reason to have them join us. I tell my family Sarah wasn't invited if she shows up she has to leave. Security is aware of that especially mine and Anastasia's. We also told the security here about her and her cousin or anyone not invited or working here are not to be allowed inside the gates.
I get ready to take family photos along with the adoption papers. I take the immediate family photos and then the extended family photos. Ethan and Adelaide actually make it with their three munchkins. It appears as if there is another on the way. They came because she is going to need to be on bed rest and Jane volunteered to help out with everything.
I keep getting grandchildren, but only from Ethan and Adelaide. She says this is the last baby she gives birth to. Now if Anastasia and Christian stop acting like they are just business associates and friends they might get married and give us both grandchildren and hopefully Elliott and Kate get married soon and contribute to the baby boom. Mia and Gregg could as well.
Gabriel and I came because everyone else is here. So many children, so little time to play with them. Gabriel knows I love the grandchildren. Even though they aren't my blood relative they like calling me grandma. Gabriel enjoys being their grandpa too.
I slip inside the party as a caterer and Jose is a server. It is a good thing he is a makeup artist for a movie studio. It wasn't hard for us to disguise ourselves and get the uniforms. I look around and spot Christian hanging around Anastasia and photos are being taken left and right. Someone demands I move my ass and start serving and then says if you keep standing there you will be standing in the unemployment lines. I move and serve the food on the trays. I look and the food is made to look like kids food. It is kids food in bite sizes. They look great and I slip one into my mouth. They are heaven. Stop eating the food comes the same voice as before. I stop immediately.
I take drinks around to the guests and I see Anastasia drink is empty and I decide to slip what I brought into a drink and head her way with it. She starts to pick a drink up and leaves her glass, so I move the glass with the drug into her hand and give out the other drinks. I walk away and wait as I serve the other drinks.
I start feeling woozy after drinking the last drink. I can't be drunk, no alcohol is being served. I lean into Christian and say want to have sex big boy. I throw my arms around him and he is laughing and asking how was I drunk, he takes my glass and hands it to Sawyer and says something to him and Sawyer heads off with the glass and gloves on his hands.
I notice something off about the guy serving us drinks, he handed Anastasia her drink after taking her empty glass from her. But the others he allowed to take the drinks as he should have as a server. I ask security to keep an eye on him and another server who is looking our way. She ate a few things off her tray. I have security detain the two after finding out they aren't recognized by the boss of the group catering today. As soon as Anastasia asked me to have sex with her I knew the server had given her a drug in her drink and I saw the pill sediment in the bottom of the glass. Sawyer put gloves on and sealed it in a container to have it examined. I get her security and mine and we head to the ER to have her checked out. Now I hope she can keep her hands to herself.
Huston we gave a problem, Anastasia is trying to undress Christian. She seems drunk or something, then I see him pick her up and start to leave. Jason tells me he had to take her to the ER because he thinks she was drugged. They have two people detained for the cops to arrest and hold.

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