Adelaide Greene

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I was stunned to say the least that Ethan was sexually active. It was a discovery made by him trying to find his keys to his car. He dropped three condom packets on the floor as he said goodbye to all of us on his way to take Adelaide out for her birthday. We barely met her much less met her family. I sent a birthday gift and card from all of us and a dinner invitation as well. I stopped him and he told me that they were being safe about the important things. I asked what about emotionally. Do you love each other or is is just a scratch that you feel compelled to itch?
It is a physical need for both of us. I promise we are taking care of ourselves. We use condoms and she is on birth control. Dr Foster and I spoke before I did anything. Plus Elliott and Christian gave me advice and Carrick pulled me aside. The bodyguards also gave me some advice about the difference between what girls expect against what guys do. Right now we are still figuring things out.
I can't wait until Ethan arrives and I tell him my news. I am graduating early and interning at a publishing house in New York. I was hired as an on line editor for them and now they want me full time. I need to move to New York. He wished me luck and to keep in touch. He handed me my birthday gifts from him and his family. He gave me an engraved Mont Blanc pen and extra ink refills. His mom gave me a card from the whole family. Inside was a visa gift card. I thought it was tacky until I got to New York and needed the money and called to find out the amount that was on it. Five thousand dollars was on it. Each had given me 1250.00 each. I went and got the cash off the card and used it for rent.
Adelaide graduated and left for New York in less than a month. We said our goodbyes and he left me in the suite at the very expensive room he got us to celebrate my eighteenth birthday. Mom had her get the money back for the commercial flights ticket and had her pilot fly us to New York and we got her an apartment with mom's help. I flew home three days later after sight seeing and a long goodbye in bed. I doubt we will see each other again. It was like she was ending things with me.
Ethan came home a very solemn young man after saying goodbye to Adelaide. I do believe my son has had his heart broken. He threw himself into getting his education and looking at the companies assets and looking into publishing companies for possible purchases. Eloise informed me the one he is looking at hired Adelaide as a full time editor.
I tell Jane she should buy the publishing house and gift it to Ethan. She said I already have, I wanted to see how they would work out they loved each other. Another purchase she kept from my eyes and after reading the financial reports I understand why. It was losing money and Adelaide was it's best bet to get it back on its feet. I watched the financial reports and she was right.
Adelaide hasn't contacted me since I left her at the suite. My 18th birthday is in a week. I am six months younger than Adelaide. My degree is completed and I will be handling the Steele company with mom and Eloise. They have shown me a few things.
I am now a lead editor for short stories for now. I found out the company was bought by an anonymous buyer under the name Cooper. I look at my baby bump and unsure what to tell Ethan. I got pregnant on his last day here in New York. I haven't called him for fear he will know something is wrong. His calls go unanswered by me.
I got news and I am very disturbed by it. Adelaide is very pregnant and there is only one person who I believe could be the father. I have my spies protecting and informing me she has not dated anyone else. I hop a flight with Albert going along. Eloise got married a week ago, so she went in her honeymoon. She and Gabriel Cook are living in my Mansion now. They both appreciate it more than I ever have. I like my lived in home better. Albert and I are playing things by ear. I gave them a honeymoon, but they chose to move into the Steele Mansion instead. Ethan and the bodyguards got together and taught all three girls how to drive. Mia is still got a crush on him, well that us until Gregg Taylor the son of head of Security for Christian was dumped out on the street in from of Christian's home on the sound by his irate ex wife. She apparently was tired of hearing how great his dad and his wife Gail is to him. She gave him his walking papers at sixteen. She signed all the right papers and threw the kids belongings on the street in front of the gate along with him. Her new husband sped away with Laura without looking back to see if the gates opened up. My men witnessed it after hearing all the noise she was making. We brought him inside and called his dad. Gail came over to gather his things up and take him home. Their home on Christian's property. Kate and Anastasia were out learning to drive otherwise they would be drooling over this guy. Anyway this all happened the day I went to have a chat with Adelaide.
Mrs Steele walks into my tiny office and asks me how I am feeling? I tell her the baby is Ethan's and we are both well.
I know the baby is Ethan's, I had someone keeping you safe since you arrived they tell me all the important things. I can assure that Ethan hasn't dated since you and if he knew about the baby he would be here in a heartbeat to marry you if you wanted that. Do you want that?
I whisper yes please.
Bring him in and get the judge on the phone and ready for the wedding ceremony.
Three hours later we have a wedding in an editors office. I hug them both and tell Ethan to be good to her and the baby and hand him the keys to their new home in New York. We moved her into the home and with or without the marriage license my grand baby will be in a nice safe home and loved. Albert and I leave and I tell him to come home for the rest of his birthday gifts. Bring his new wife as well.

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