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Yuvan turns to his left and sighs contently. Slowly opening his eyes, he saw a female figure sleeping there beside him.

Mitali, the girl he loves.

She was sleeping peacefully. Her beautiful face was half covered with her silky hair strands. Yuvan reached forward to remove those hairs from her face and to kiss her forehead. But before he could do so, he saw her face. His eyes widened in horror and he jumped out of the bed.

He didn't know this girl. Who was she?? What was she doing there??

He looked at himself and saw that he was shirtless. He could tell what happened between him and her last night. He then glanced at the wall clock and saw it was already 10:30 a. m. which meant that he was late for his meeting.

On the other hand, Shreya was sleeping comfortably until she felt someone shake her violently.

She opened her eyes and saw a handsome man in front of her. He had an angered look on his face. She was so terrified when she saw that she was just wearing her bra and underwear inside the covers as well as the man was half naked.

"Get up and get dressed. You have to explain all this", Yuvan scowled at the terrified girl.

Yuvan went inside the bathroom to get dressed and Shreya quickly got dressed inside the room.

Shreya sat on the bed with her mind all messed up. She didn't remember anything what happened. Just bits of last night and nothing else. She remembered going to the pub and getting drunk but not more than that.


Shreya was a struggling actor. Just 2 days ago she lost the opportunity to star in one of the movie of the great director, Krish Kapoor.

Krish Kapoor is Yuvan's younger brother.

Shreya went to the club last night to talk to Krish about this audition.

They talked about it and Krish gave his card to her and told her to come to his office a week later so that he can take her audition.

After he walked away, Shreya saw that he has mistakenly given his credit card to her. He was drunk.

Shreya spotted him in the crowd and went to give back his card.

"All these newbies are the same. They disturb me so much", Krish said

"So what are you gonna do with that girl?? ", a person asked who was there with him.

"Just gonna reject her", Krish scoffed.

Shreya's eyes brimmed with tears. She went ahead and tapped on his shoulder.

He turned around and a frown came on his face.

"What do you want now?! I told you that I will take your audition later. Don't disturb me", He shouted.

All the people were staring at them and Shreya couldn't handle this embarrassment anymore. She slammed the card on the table and ran to the backyard.

She sat on the ground, crying and sniffing.

She realised that someone has sat beside her but she didn't look up at the person because she felt ashamed of what happened. The person gave her a handkerchief to wipe off her tears. She quietly took it and rubbed her eyes.

"Let me buy you a drink", the person said.

(Flashback ends)

Now she understood. The person was Yuvan. He asked her for a drink because he felt sorry because of what his brother did to her.

"You!! You mixed some drug in my drink", she shouted as soon as Yuvan out of the washroom.

" What!! I should say this. You mixed drugs in my drink", he shouted back.

Before Shreya could make a remark, someone knocked on the door. She ran fast and opened the door, not even giving a chance to Yuvan to say anything.

An elegant lady stood at the door with a middle aged man.

"Mom?? ", Yuvan said when he saw her.
" It's nothing as it looks like. I don't know this girl. I don't.... "

Before he could continue his mom interrupted, "I know. Rajeev, take this girl to her home"

"No, I can go by myself. Thank you", she protested.

"It's okay. This is Rajeev, Yuvan's manager. He will take you back", she told.

Shreya nodded and followed Rajeev. Yuvan's mother, Kavita, closed the door, when they left and turned towards him.

"Mom. I can't believe what you just did. You trusted her over me. Your own son!! You don't even know her", he shouted.

"I know her. She is Shreya Arora. 24 years old. A struggling actor. She is the illegitimate daughter of Mr. Harsh Arora who is the head of his company. Shreya has two elder sisters and a younger brother. She is treated worse than servants at her home. Nobody in her family cares about her".

Yuvan looked at her mother dumbfounded.

"I want you to marry her", Kavita declared.

"What? I can't. She is a cheat. She mixed drugs in my drink for sleeping here with me. I am not gonna marry her", he said.

"You will have to and I was the one who mixed the drugs in yours and hers drinks".

Mr. and Mrs. Kapoor [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now