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"So you happen to have met me in an alternative universe and you happen to believe I'll believe you all?" Atticus was confused.

"You're the one that decided to join us when asked, don't start questioning if travelling to an alternative universe is real when you've been through time and space, you've gone to what? Three alien planets so far. It's a bit late to be doubting some things now, no?" Jessica raised her eyebrows.

It's been over two weeks since Atticus joined them. They've finally told them about how they met an alternative version of them.

"Yeah... but... you said I was a huge fan of some show that happened to be about you lot? How can I believe such things?" They wonder.

"Actually it was basically just Yaz and Mum that was in this show I was not. Neither were you by the way." Jessica says.

"I got that." Atticus rolls her eyes.

Jessica chuckles.

"Ya know that it's not that crazy there are plenty of alternative universes you could be a frog, a lion, even a sandwich in another." Jessica snorts

"Right.." Atticus thinks.

"I don't think it's actually possible to be a sandwich." Comes a voice from behind Jessica

A small chuckle follows behind Jessica. She becomes all too aware of who that laugh belongs to and the voice that soothes her entire existence.

"Hey baby." Jessica turns and smiles at Ituxi.

Ituxi slowly wraps her arms around Jess and kisses her forehead knowing fine well she's not so comfortable with public affection, and she sure as hell knows how awkward a full kiss would be in front of Atticus she suspects they wouldn't be comfortable either. And she's not about to give a show either, So she sticks to kissing the top of Jessica's head.

Jessica wraps her arms around Ituxi's waist. "You're so adorable." She says.

"Nuu!" She Boops her nose "you are." Ituxi smiles warmly into her lover's eyes.

"OH HEY ITUXI!" The Doctor yells from the stairs as she comes into the console room from that direction.

"Oh!" She clasped her hands "We found a time on earth where they've made a GIANT" she uses her hand gestures "CUSTARD CREAM bigger than the Statue of liberty." The Doctor says excitedly. "Well, we haven't found it yet, we're looking."

Ituxi looks at Jessica who is silently giggling she whispers down to her "you didn't?"

Jessica says nothing but the look Ituxi gets says all.

"Baby, tell her." Ituxi's pouts. 

'Nuuu! She deserves this just a little longer please?' Jessica says telepathically.

'And explain to me why she deserves this?' Ituxi replies telepathically.

'Well, she took my Sonic from me.' Jess pouts like a small child just being told no for the first time after asking for extra ice cream.

'Baby? Common. Tell me why?' Ituxi looks into her eyes with that, 'you need to tell me now or I spill' look.

'Okay, okay, I may have added a laser onto my sonic which I used in a time where lessers were not invented causing a destruction of things that apparently was 'witch.' Craft and I was taken to a trial where they determined if I was a witch or not.' She says they're still communicating telepathically.

'And?' Ituxi's replies.

'Witch! They tied me to a three ready to burn my sorry ass alive before Mum helped. She was not pleased so she took my sonic to see what other things I have that could cause issues in the future or past and she is modifying my modifications.' Jessica sighed. 'Like she can't do that I spend hours, days, working at my sonic.'

13th Doctor OneShots S2Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz