Orphan 55

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A/N Happy Who Day all, hope you enjoyed last weeks episode and this weeks. I am a bit late on uploading this one sorry about that been working on other Fics. The Tesla chapter will be up some point through the week with another of my own before I add J to this weeks. I also hope you enjoy this.

Also the ending is not like the ending of the episode, there is also a lot of Orphan 55 that is not put into this again it's all from J's I guess you can say perspective. Through the ending is still somewhat the same but added more to it after the Doctors speech. Just a little bit for J and The Doctor.

Again, Enjoy. Much. Love <3.

J stands beside a table, to the left, as Yaz, Ryan and The Doctor clean where the big space squid lays, there is a faint growling sound coming from it.

"Great work, guys. I did not know it was their mating season." The Doctor stands with a mop in hand.

"So disgusting, like absolutely one thousand percent disgusting." J Mutters to herself.

"Yes. Graham, my son! I've got it!" Graham comes to the little table J stands at, she was leaning on it but then stood back to see what he had.

"Got what?" The Doctor turns her head still mopping as she asks.

"The sixth coupon from the Bandohzi Herald." He replies back.

"Coupons? For?" J asks curious

"Well" he turns to her, and then back to the others. "I Keep getting them delivered by the coffee machine upstairs. Or is it downstairs?" He starts moving his hands as he speaks. Yaz now stand to his side curiously.

"Anyway, don't matter." Ryan now comes to their side. "I noticed they had an offer on."

"So did you like buy coffee from the Tardis? Or free coupons a free offer from free coffee?" J chuckles he shakes his head.

"Collect six coupons, get a free holiday." He says ecstatic

"I'm up for a free holiday. Where is it?" Ryan asks.

"A place called Tranquillity." He says Yaz starts to speak and he turns to her.

"Me too. So long as there's plenty of sun and absolutely no deep-space squid. Might get you out your Mardy mood." She yells over the Doctor.

She turns her head to her "My mood's fine"

"That's you Told" Ryan tells Yaz.

"Hmm." J hums. She knows something is wrong, or rather something has upset the Doctor, if she knows one thing she knows she's like her, keeps her feelings buried deep but at one point something will make that snap, and she's unsure how she's going to react if her Pa snaps. Will she snap in a good or bad way? She wishes her Ma was here, she messaged her after the whole Master thing but she's not got back to her, guess she ain't supposed to be with them at this moment. And J knows that's also putting down her Pa, but something else something big has happened or something and she wants to find out without upsetting the Doctor more.

"Hang on, Graham. They're not six perfect squares, are they?" She drops the mop and rushed to them "No, don't put them together yet!" Too late he did just before she said no.

"Bit late on that" J and Ryan day in union. She looks at the square now.

"What's happening?" Graham says confused a sound came from the wee thing.

J's head turns to her Pa as the Doctor speaks "I hope you've packed. They're not just coupons. That's a teleport cube - just activated. We've got about four second" she points her fingers in the air.

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