Spyfall Part 2.1

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A/N, Hey all, hope you have enjoyed the way I got J into part 1.1 and 1.2, and I hope you enjoy part 2.1 and then 2.2 when it's up. I love how I got this to tie in to my last oneshot, if you have read you will remember a chapter about Missy. Now this works pretty well. Again, Enjoy!

J looks around the plane, she looks at Ryan, then Graham and then to Yaz, she panics more realising they are really in trouble right now, and how are they supposed to get out of this one?

Shouting can be heard from them all, J watches as Ryan falls and she studies him as he goes up the plane.

"What are you doing?" She yells to him, he ignores her he is too invested in whatever he is doing.

He sits up "Hey, Hey I've got a plan" he shouts over the plane sounds, he holds up a bit of laminated instructions with a figure of what looks like himself on it.

They all look at him.

"So what have we to do?" J asks making her way to him. He explains to her as he makes his way to the panel floor. He hands the laminated instructions to Graham.

"Open panel in floor!" Yells Graham as he reads out what to do.

"What does it say next?" Ryan shouts back.

"Connect the cable... to your phone" Graham shouts back as they instructions fly in front of him as he keeps a good grasp on them.

Ryan strains as he takes the Cable and within a moment connects it to his phone of course he did struggle a bit, who can blame him they are crashing as they speak, or rather yell to one another. He groans as the screen across from them turns on and it's the Doctor.

'Welcome aboard.' She says on screen.

Graham yells "You are kidding! How's she doing that?!"

"Shut up and listen" J yells she looks at Yaz before back to the screen Yaz's face is scorched in confusion.

'I realise you have questions.' The Doctor says.

Graham yells back as if she can hear him, "Where are you?! We're going to die!"

"Graham it's a recording she can't hear you." J rolls her eyes.

'First of all. You're not going to die. Second of all, don't talk back to the screen.' J's head turns back to the screen.

"Can she hear us?" She whispers to herself, "Nah" she chuckles softly "Surely not?!"

'Obviously, I'm a recording and I can't hear you.'

"Ahh, see" J yells mainly telling herself and Graham.

'Third, don't panic. Especially you, Graham.' J snorts at this.

"I'm not panicking!" Graham yells to the Screen.

"Yes, you are" J says in union as the Doctor on the screen says,
'Yes, you were.'

'Oh and J, stop worrying as well' J looks over at the Screen.

"I'm not" she scoffs out.

'You are.' The Recording says back.

"Ooft, whatever" says J as she knows the Doctor is right.

'And I did just say don't talk back to the screens.' The recording says.

"Eh?!" Comes from Graham and J.

'Haven't got long. The bomb in the cockpit knocked out the signals from the computer to the engines. But the computers in this aircraft aren't in the cockpit, they're under the cabin floor. Ryan, the app should have opened.' The Doctor says within the Recording.

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