Spyfall Part 1.2

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A/N as said in last chapter the parts with the Doc, Graham and O are not here. As J was with Yaz, And Ryan.

I hope you enjoy this. I do like the way I interpreted J into this. Spyfall part 2 will be up next week sometime.

Barton sits at his desk, J studies him as he speaks. "I have to be honest with you - you only got in cos you're Brits." He says. J scoff at that.

"And my mum reads your paper. She's old. Still into legacy media." He continued.

Yaz and Ryan were fiddling with their bags, J sat on a couch across the room. Studying them.

"We know you're busy, so Logan will take a few photos while we chat" Yaz says, J laugh a little inside Ryan being a Logan how hilarious but suits him.

"And she" Yaz looks back at J "Is here to learn" she smiles at her and turns round.

"Okay if I record?" Yaz asks Barton straight up even though she is going to anyways. He just gives her a look and J studies it.

Yaz presses the recorder, "Right, then.." she begins. "Good to go?" She wonders.

Barton looks at his phone you can hear him type, "Just searching you up." He tells her.

J's head pops up, she watches closer than before.

"Check you are who you say you are." He tells them.

J relaxes knowing The Doctor fixed that up, she hopes. Ryan and Yaz look at one another.

"Fire away then." He says this makes Yaz relax more and Ryan.

They chat with Barton, J stands up and looks around the room, she feels like once again she's being watched, she mutters under her own breath "If any aliens come flying out at me while I stand here I will for sure boot yer arses back to yer home planet got that." No one heard her thankfully it was a mutter to herself mainly, she continued to look around the room.

She still listens into Yaz's speaking to Barton, and she can hear the camera clicking as Ryan takes his pictures. J then walks up to Yaz and Ryan studying everything that's said. She smiles at Barton.

Barton answers Yaz's questions he says to her in a firm tone "You know what Sophia? You can't entirely trust everyone"

"How so?" J asks out loud curiosity filing her brain. He gives her a look and his phone vibrates.

"Sorry. I've got to cut this short." He stands "Something needs my attention."

Yaz goes to speak but J does instead "They were just getting started. You can't just go? Can he?" She whispers that last part to herself.

"You want to know who I am? You want to see my house, meet my friends? Cos it's my birthday tomorrow." He says looking between them all. He takes a small pause.

J thinks to herself where is he going with this? He just invited us to his house?

"I'm having a party. Everyone who knows me will be there." He moves from behind his desk. "Come along - as my apology for running out on you." And he leaves.

"So he did just invite us, then just bounced leaving us in his office? Right then" J says out loud.

Ryan looks at J then Yaz "I've managed to duplicate his access pass. If we find a place to hide and do some snooping around whilst everyone knocks off... Hey?" He says too Yaz "Why are you looking all weird?"

J butts in looking at Yaz "Yeah? Why you looking like someone just stole your money or something?" She shrugs

Yaz looks at Ryan then J, "DNA profile. Only 93% human." She says.

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