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Neoptolemus the Greek meaning too 'New war'.

Neoptolemus, the son of Achilles, the hero of the Greek army at Troy, and of Deïdamia, daughter of King Lycomedes of Scyros; he was sometimes called Pyrrhus, meaning "Red-haired."

Also the name that The Master saw as perfect for his little Boy or Girl. A name that could be used on either gender. A name greater than settling for something less.


J rolled her eyes "Well.... Honestly not my place to say." She walks on but the sound of the Masters voice stops her.

"Neoptolemus" he greets his daughter. He was thankful she was still in this regeneration from the older version of this regeneration. He didn't know if she would have looked different or just younger.

J stands behind him so Neo never noticed her at first.

"Father." She smiles Softly and sighs. "Why are you here?"

"I could ask you the same question" he shot back. Feeling of guilt is the only person that makes him feel so much.

"I was looking for someone." She chuckles "Atlantica."

"Wait..." he squints his eyes "Like the Atlantica?" J gulped thinking 'Does he know?'

"What does that mean?" Neo is curious, still not catching J behind her dad.

"Well you see..." J cuts him off.

"I think that's enough." She panics.

"Jessica" Neo looks at her with a warm sad smile.

"Hey." J laughs nervously "long time." She picks at her nails.

"Indeed is. When I was looking for you I didn't expect to find you with my Father." Neo laughs.

"She's the Atlantica?" The Master turns to J. He laughs. "This is going to be splendid" he turns to his daughter thinking about what The Doctor is going to think when she finds out just what her daughter is going to be/become.

"We need to chat. Alone. Please?" His tone demanding.

"Actually. I'd like her to be with us. I need to speak with her about something important, to do with Vegas." She turns to J and J nods.

"Oh great. My daughter is friends with the Doctor's daughter." The Master Growls. But then thinks to himself 'it'll be some plan of hers. She'll be the real Atlantica surly it won't be J!'  He grins at his thoughts

"Actually maybe you should leave" Neo looks at The Master.

"Wait Dove. Please. I'll go. Speak with him. I'll catch up with you after I won't be going anywhere anytime soon. Here." J hands her a spare hotel key to her room she's staying in.

"Dove?" The Master mumbles. "It's Neoptolemus"

"Actually. Dad. I prefer Dove. I go by Dove." Dove replies, putting the key in her pocket. Smiling at J since she was the one that first started calling her this. And a name she knew Neo/Dove loved.

"Why? I named you~" The Master was cut off.

"The same reason you use The Master. Well not the same reason but you understand" she laughs awkwardly and looks at J.l again.

"I heard you were here is the Doctor?" J shakes her head no. "Where is she?" Dove would like to speak with the Doctor about a future she has seen around J. Something that is coming that they must not think the worst off.

"Meh. I can't remember." J lies.

"Please don't lie to me." Dove looks at her with wide sad eyes.

"Why not? You lied to me. You lied to me about everything." J begins to yell.

"I never. Only who I was." Dove sighs. "Please J. Listen to me. I promise I didn't mean to hurt you. I just didn't want you knowing who I really was."

"Why? What is your plan? Become an enemy of mine like your dad is to mine?" J knew this was not it. J knew Dove was nothing like her father.

"That is not fair." Dove gets angry "That is really not F~" The Master cuts in.

"As much as this is all fun and games, lovely bit of rivalry I'd like to spend time with my daughter please. So if the half ape would disappear now" He turns to J.

J rolls her eyes and shakes her head at Dove  who was about to protest. "Alright then. See ya." She leaves and heads back the way they came.


Meanwhile, The Doctor, Yaz, Graham and Ryan are on the planet Zootoo. It's supposed to be an artefact planet of mythological things through the universe well it is.

There is a very important artefact that has just been stolen from a young looking woman in a black corset threads and ties it. She's in some tight black leggings then puts on her Purple knee high flat heeled boots. The final piece is a long Purple/red and black top coat. It's purple that fades into a red then black and it blends in just right. There are buttons on the jacket that go up so it covers the corset. She has a black galaxy bandana covering the bottom of her face.

She goes by 'Atlantica' there are multiple Wanted signs asking a big price for her imprisonment. They caught her trying to steal months back. After hearing of an amulet that was stolen from Earth. People thought she was just being reckless and getting herself caught but it was all part of her plan. A couple guarding the first time around were injured trying to capture her.

The Doctor yells in her direction "YOU CANNOT TAKE THAT OFF THIS PLANET!!" She starts chasing the young woman.

But by the time the Doctor runs down an empty street to a dead end. Graham, Yaz and Ryan catch up. The young woman has completely vanished.

The walls of the dead end are higher than the city so it would be impossible for her to climb up it.

"This is not good." The Doctor groans turning round her blonde hair sticking to her sweaty face from the chasing the girl.

"We need to get that back before they decide to capture the other parts of the artefact it will not end well." She starts walking back in the direction of her Tardis.

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