Revolution of the Daleks! (Part 1)

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By the Time Dove got back to the hotel she found that J is not where she thought she would be.

By the time J got out of the CyberMaster suit of metal. She was faced by the Judoon.

"Jessica Song, known also as Jamielee, and also known to be associated with The Atlantic" Also known as The Amethyst by the Judoon, and some others, "has been found." And then the Judoon Guard goes on about finding out who The Amethyst is, since J didn't cooperate and didn't want her identity to be confirmed and found out.

She was taken into high security. They thought this would scare her into talking, weeks, months even years went past and she spoke no words. She didn't even show fear or remorse for keeping quiet.

Soon enough they begin to believe they have been wrong this whole time. And that she really doesn't know a thing. Oh how little do they know.

J begins to tap, tap, tap in the new cell she was taken to. They thought maybe the Doctor could suss this out.

The Doctor lays down on her brick bed. As the lights go off, "Bedtime story, Doctor?" She goes silent for a moment. "Yes, please, Doctor. One of the Classics?" she breathes in. "Yes, please. Settle down, then." She tells herself. She turns on her side.

"Mr and Mrs Dursley, of number four Privet Drive, we're proud to say, That they were perfectly normal..."

The Doctor hears the Tapping on the wall, four small taps,

"What?" The Doctor asks herself, she goes over to the wall covered in tally marks. She's been here a long time.

She knocks back on the wall, "Who's there?" She asks.

J can Barely hear the Doctor speak but the knock doesn't go unnoticed.

"Stay strong" comes a whisper from the other end of the wall. J is confused.

She hears another low voice unable to pick up what was said.

J begins to tap again, the Doctor in a low voice almost as if she were speaking to an ant  "No, it can't be."

J taps again. Four times.

"Master?" The Doctor exhales.

J hears her Pa this time able to make out the voice. She thinks she's finally come to get her out.

"Pa?" At this point J has spent more time here than the Doctor herself.

The Doctor stops. "Jessica?" She uses her name rather than J. "Is that you?"

"Well you do ask a very obvious question." She chuckled to herself.

"Jessica, are you okay?" She was about to continue that...

"I've been better Pa, I'm glad you're finally here to get me out of this god forbidden place..." she begins to tear up.

"Jessica? What do you mean?" The Doctor is now confused. "You've come to get me out. No?" She looks at the wall like she could see through it.

"Pa? I've been here for so long I've lost count, they've only just put me in this cell, I've been down the end of this prison on the lower floor, among the Silence, and some Angels. Did you know they have so many things hidden in prison here?" She sniffs.

"J? I've been here for a long time too. The last I've seen of anyone was.... The Master...before I went..." J cut her off.

J sighed. "Ditto. I'm surprised you didn't even notice." She says bitter.

The Doctor scrunched her eyebrows and arched them up after a few seconds.

"Jessica? Tell me exactly what I didn't notice?" She needed answers.

"Well, let's just talk about it later. Please? Can you get me out?" J begged.

The Doctor sighed. "Get some sleep." She moved back to her bed, the feeling of guilt and shame washing over her.

J did so, she went to sleep thinking her Pa had a plan for tomorrow morning. She couldn't get to sleep straight off the bat and when she finally did and morning came around the whole floor heard J scream awake. Reliving bad memories, nightmares upon more nightmares she needed to get out.

The Doctor jumped up fast. Wanting to get to her daughter but knowing she couldn't and she's stuck behind this wall. She groaned.

She rushed to the wall. "Hey, Jessy, my little time baby. You're going to be alright. I'm going to get us out of here okay? Please just hold on for me. I'm going to figure this out now."

She turned around and J didn't answer. She was curled up in the corner crying.

An hour passed and it was time for the same old routine. However the Doctor thought she'd be able to see her daughter. How wrong she was. J was not allowed out at the same time.

The Doctor walks down the same old hallway, saying her good mornings to the cameras as she exhaustedly walks ahead.

She hears a sound, and turns to the Silence, it hits her. How did J remember they were there? She turns to the creature. But looks down then back up again.

"Oh, I forgot you were here." She half chuckles.

"What about this face?" a familiar voice comes from behind her. It's Jack. Captain Jack Harkness. "Remember this?" He smirks.

"Jack? Jack!" She runs towards him.

"I knew you would look better in these colours than me. Hello Doctor....." he smiles at her.

Meanwhile J is pacing her room, back and forth anxiously waiting for those doors to open. But unfortunately they don't.

Twenty minutes go by, "Pa? Pa?" Is all that could be heard. "Are you there?" She begins to lose more and more hope.

Untill, she watches as the wall turns a strange blue and then there is a small pop and suddenly Jack and The Doctor are in front of her.

"No time to explain, mini Doc now get in." Jack yells through the Temporal Freezing gateway Disinhibitor Bubble. 'Catchy Right?'

J jumps into the bubble with them. And they begin to run through into Jack's cell on the other side of the Doctor's.

"Took me 19 years to get to the cell next to you." Jack kneels down looking for something.

"Hope you had enough to occupy your mind." He looks up at the Doctor. He didn't learn that J was here until the Doctor mentioned. So he was uncertain as to why she was here. But is glad he's gotten them both nearly out; however, it'll delay them a tiny bit more.

"Too much," the Doctor says back.

"Here we go. One Secretary stashed, Vortex Manipulator."

Alarms are blaring through the prison.

Jack "Wondered how long that would take. We need to go now."

Doctor "how did you manage to smuggle that in here?" She asks Jack.

Even J knew this was not a question to ask.

Jack "You really want me to answer that?" At the same time,

J "Nobody needs to know."

Jack laughs and looks back at the Doctor, "oh I've missed you... very much." He hugs the Doctor. And looks at J.

Jack "Let's go."

J holds onto the Doctor who holds onto Jack with a big ball of light they have escaped.

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