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A/N So since we don't have many episodes left, I decided to put another up before a Chapter following a episode.

Hope you all enjoy there is a tiny major crossover at the end

"Ahhh, YAZ?" J yells from the kitchen.

"Hm?" Yaz raises an eyebrow "I'm right here you know. No need to shout."

"Eh? Yes there is. You are legit eating my cereal." J grinds her teeth "the last of it as well." She crosses her arms.

"Oh" Yaz drops the spoon. "I thought it was everyone's?"

"Nooooo, didn't you read what the box said?" She goes over and picks up the empty box "J's DO NOT TOUCH!!!" She shows the back of the box.

Yaz shakes her head, J turns it round to her, the box didn't say anything on it. She groans she goes into the cupboard and finds her actual box.

"An apology would be nice" Yaz picks up some cereal and eats it.

J just storms off "Sorry" she says sarcastically, not meaning too. Yaz shook her head.

"What was that all about" Ryan looks at her "she didn't even notice I was here" he laughs.

"No idea. And she seemed just annoyed she's got out the wrong side of the bed." Yaz laughs.

J went back to her room, the pain in her arm continued. Before she went to sleep last night she could feel this like movement in her arm. She thought she was just imagining it since she was falling asleep and was practically half sleeping.

She groans and shuts her eyes again.

Two hours passed, a knock on the door appeared, "J?" The Doctor peaked her head round to see her daughter was still asleep, soft snores escaping her.

The Doctor shook her head and went back to the console.

"Still sleeping?" Graham asked.

"Yep." The Doctor nods.

"Ahh, we had the same issue with Ryan when he was well, was a year before we started travelling with you, he'd work, eat, sleep, game repeat." Graham laughs.

"Hello right here" Ryan chuckles pointing to himself.

"My point being you'd sleep crazy hours when not at work." Graham points

"Yeah, true but I was up on the PlayStation most of the time that happened." Ryan says

"She was in one hella mood earlier." Yaz points out. "In fact she's been in a mood all week."

"Alien time of the month?" Ryan chuckles

"Do you remember the last time you said that?" Yaz rolls her eyes at him.

He shook his head in an apologetic way.

"Hmm." The Doctor hummed "She has been in a rather odd mood, more than usual." She goes over to her monitor screens and starts to type in.

"What are you doing Doc?" Graham was curious and confused about what was happening.

"Checking her social media's. See if she has mentioned anything about her mood, you lot seem to do that and she does too." She brings up J's Facebook, Twitter and instagram. It's all she knew J had. Though she had more apps but these ones the Doctor could access easily without having to do anything.

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