Inner feelings!! T|W

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"Honey what happened?" River tried to comfort her daughter by sitting beside her.

J had been sat crying in the library for some time now, 13th and River didn't know what was going on, they thought at first maybe it was because when she went to the other universe she panicked more inside and didn't let it really show that she was scared everything she had gone through, everything she experienced since meeting her birth parents were a lie.

She feared her own thoughts a lot and this one to it.

J looks up at her Mother "I called it off with Bill" she sniffs.

"Why?" The Doctor asks the way J looks up at her, she knows in her hearts why.

"Because soon she'll be gone with Heather and she belongs with her not me" she sniffs again.

"Oh sweetie" River embraces J into a massive hug.

"It's okay. It was always going to end this way." She hugs her Mother back tightly.

"How did Bill take it?" The Doctor wonders.

"Better than I've taken it, she always had feelings for Heather. She loves me but not in that way she loves Heather more, and I know deeply in my hearts my love for Bill is not the way it should be. I don't love her in that way either. It was fun at first, we were blinded by the laughter, by the moments we had. The experiences together but we were never meant to last like that. But I knew this would happen." She admits.

"What do you mean you knew?" River is the one confused.

"Spoilers" J chuckles.

"J" 13th'a tone of voice went from empathetic to serious within seconds.

"Well.." she chuckles "A good amount of weeks back I used my own vortex manipulator, I wanted milkshake and we ran out of my favourite it was like three in the morning but you" she looks up at her Pa "And the Fam were out somewhere and I went. I ended up crashing a wedding."

She sniffs again and wipes her tears "It was my own wedding I can assure you it was not Bill, something in me just knew. I never saw their face only how tall they were. Then I turned and I smiled at myself and I turned back around. My vortex then went haywire. After the future you" She turns to River.

"You used your sonic and all of a sudden I was gone. I ended up in your office Pa, Back in your 12th face and you told me what happened to Bill." She smiles sadly.

"So once it settled in I went back well before that day and broke it off I told Bill not to mention anything to you about us breaking up cause I wanted to tell you myself but I guess I never did until now?" She sighs.

"Don't worry about any of that J okay?" 13th didn't really know what to say, she knew J and Bill broke you at some point she just guessed.

"I'm sorry I'm in a mess. I just feel that I could have handled it a bit better or something." She cries.

"It's okay sweetie. Hey least you know you'll find someone. Especially if you're going to get married Mhm?" River boops J's nose.

"Well that's if I didn't do anything to change that. Or maybe it was fake? Maybe it was all done to help me with this?" She questions unsure why anyone would ever want or love her.

She didn't understand why, she is not pretty, she doesn't feel loved most the time. She feels alone 99% of her time. She knows deep down in her hearts her Mum and Pa love her but at the same time her head always has to question that to the fullest like do they really? Truth be told, as sad as it is she is not this upset because of Bill, she misses her yes more as a friend she wishes she didn't have to go the way she did. But really deep inside she has her own issues, her own demons she's been battling inside.

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