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The kids knew their parents were thinking about having another baby, but no one really expected for it to happen so fast. All the kids, minus Tally, who was talking to herself, were silent and in shock.

"Is everyone okay?" Olivia asked softly, as she leaned back in her chair and looked around her kitchen table. 

"Are you sure that you are pregnant?" Maureen asked, and Olivia let out a weak laugh and nodded.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure. My doctor did an ultrasound, and I got to see the baby." Olivia replied as she glanced over at her boyfriend.

Elliot reached out and gently rubbed her leg as the kids continued to process the news. Eventually, they went back to eating silently, as Olivia and Elliot grew worried that the kids weren't happy at all.


After dinner, Elliot and Olivia grabbed Tally and went to go grocery shopping. They wanted to give the kids some space to process the news, and to hopefully say hurtful things without them hearing it.

"At least Tally doesn't seem to mind that I'm pregnant." Olivia sighed, as she pushed the cart and watched as Tally looked around at everything. The toddler was so talkative and curious, which made things a little easier right now. 

"Tally, are you excited about getting a baby brother or sister?" Elliot asked, as he finished placing a few gallons of milk in the cart.

"Baby?" Tally asked, as she tilted her head to the side and stared at her father.

"Yeah, a baby! It's tiny right now, but before we know it... that baby will be here and in our arms. You get to be a big sister!" Elliot smiled. Tally didn't understand what her father was saying, exactly, but she did know that her father was excited so she was too. 

Tally started to chant baby, as her parents chuckled and continued down the aisle.

"Do you think that they are just shocked? Not like they are actually angry?" Olivia sighed, as she came to a stop and looked at Elliot. She was actually worried that the kids weren't taking this well, even if they knew it would probably happen in the near future. Elliot and Olivia didn't expect to get pregnant so quick, but it happened and they were excited about their new blessing.

"Yeah, I do think they were shocked. We are both getting a little older, and I think that they thought it would take longer. Maybe closer to Tally's birthday we would be announcing it, not now." Elliot replied.

"Are you upset?" Olivia whispered, as tears burned her eyes. Today really threw Olivia off, and she needed Elliot to reassure her.

"About our baby?! Never!" Elliot exclaimed. He stepped closer to Olivia before looping his arms around her body. He tugged her flush against his chest before kissing her softly.

By the time they arrived home, it was Tally's bedtime. So Elliot took Tally upstairs to put her down, while Olivia put the groceries away. She came in with another load of bags, and found her older four kids putting the items in their places.

"Whatcha guys doing?"

"Helping." Maureen replied plainly.


"We are excited, Mama. I promise you that we are excited for another sibling. We thought it would take much longer, but I guess that this baby was meant to come sooner than anyone thought." Kathleen smiled.

"Really?" Olivia breathed, and the kids nodded.



Their family seemed right on track after the kids announced that they were excited for their new sibling. They helped to plan things out, to help change up Tally's room so it could be shared with the new baby, and to plan out something special for their mother.

Olivia gave up her life as a single detective to take care of this family, to love them and to expand the already large Stabler family. The kids didn't say a lot for their mother, and with that they helped their father plan something big. Huge more like it.

"You are taking me to a party, while I'm thirty weeks pregnant, and expect me to make it till midnight?" Olivia asked, as she and her boyfriend drove into the city. The traffic was heavy, so that gave Olivia plenty of time to complain.

"Hey, you said that you haven't felt this good in a while! I just thought that we could use that to our advantage!" Elliot exclaimed.

Olivia sighed, before turning to look at Elliot. They were stalled in traffic, and Elliot liked having some alone time with the love of his life.

"I haven't gotten sick in like forty-eight hours, so I guess we might as well enjoy this time." Olivia smiled softly.

Elliot moved one hand of the wheel, before reaching out and grabbing Olivia's hand.

"So who's party are we attending?" Olivia asked.

"One of my co-workers."

"Some random co-worker of yours?" Olivia sighed.

"Is that a problem?" Elliot spoke, and Olivia shook her head.

"No, but I don't know anyone but you... so I guess I will have to kiss you at midnight. God, it's going to be so boring." Olivia teased.

Light chatter filled the air as they continued to head towards the party. When they arrived, Elliot got out and helped Olivia from their car. As they walked towards the building, Olivia got suspicious. They passed the precinct, before ending up at the police bar next door. Olivia didn't know how Elliot's co-worker was able to rent out the bar for only a few people on a super busy night.

Elliot swung open the door, and let Olivia in first. The lights were off, before Olivia could even tell Elliot that the bar was closed, the lights flipped on. 

Olivia looked around the room as tears burned her eyes. Her kids were there and so was the whole crew. 

"W-what's happening?" Olivia sniffled, as she turned to look at Elliot.

"Liv, I have waited so long to spend my life with you. I think that even before I realized what was happening, you and I were already on a path to end up together. Now more than ever I realized that I want to be more than your boyfriend... so Olivia, how about we get married?"

Olivia's eyes went wide, before leaning in close to Elliot.

"What about planning on getting married in January?" Olivia mused.

"I couldn't wait any longer, and we planned on getting eloped anyway, so why not do it tonight?" Elliot smiled.

Olivia bit her lip, before nodding. She quickly brushed tears from her cheek and smiled at Elliot.

"Let's get married."

It wasn't long before Elliot and Olivia were married. It was crazy to think that not that long ago they were partners in shoot outs and chasing suspects, but now they were partners in life... and for life.

Hey guys! So I didn't think I'd end this right now, but I was having a hard time of coming up with new things. I hope you all enjoyed this book! Thanks for the support.

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