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"Kath." Elliot frowned as his ex wife stood and went to leave.

"I gave you the best years of my life, and this is how you reward me?"

"Uh, what about the kids?" Elliot sighed as he followed Kathy out of the cafe.

"Yeah, thanks for knocking me up and making me go through four painful pregnancies." Kathy huffed as she walked outside. Elliot quickly grabbed her arm before turning her towards him.

"Okay, let's just stop this right now. I'm sorry that you had to be married to me and had my kids, but I really hope you don't regret the five beautiful children we have. You are just pissed at me because I'm happy and moving on."

"With Olivia, of all people!" Kathy yelled.

"What is your problem with Olivia!? She's the only person who is really keeping my family together!"

"OUR FAMILY! She is the slut that is keeping OUR family running! She's not even the mother to OUR kids, but she is acting like she is! She is sleeping with MY husband and sleeping in MY bed. Olivia was your best friend, but now she's your fiancee? The one you just happened to fuck on the night our divorce papers got served?!" Kathy hissed.

"Olivia is not a slut! We did nothing until after you left! After I finally had to give up hope for us getting back together when I was served divorce papers! I'm sorry that you have such a problem with me being happy, but this will not stop me from marrying her! I really think that we are meant to be together." Elliot huffed.

"And I meant absolutely nothing to you. Thanks a lot, asshole." Kathy yelled.

"You were just supposed to be a one-night stand, Kathy!"


Elliot wasn't even excited by the time he got to work. He was pissed off, and everyone could tell. The other detectives stayed out of his way, and Olivia was called in to calm her fiance down after he went after a perp.

"Where is he?" Olivia asked as she walked into the squadroom as fast as she could.

"I'm sorry we had to call you in, but no one can get him to calm down. He's on a rampage." Fin frowned as he walked over and grabbed Olivia's purse from her before sitting it on her desk.

"He had breakfast with Kathy this morning, and I'm assuming that is why he's angry." Olivia sighed. 

"He's in the interrogation room. Cragen is making him cool off in there, but instead he's throwing a fit." Fin spoke, and Olivia nodded.

"Great. Uh, I don't think he will hit me... but can you hang outside to be my backup?" Olivia questioned, and Fin was quick to come up beside her and nod.

"I got your back, Benson."

Olivia watched her fiance for a few moments as she examined his body language and the blood splattered on the floor. He had punched things, and Olivia was praying that she wasn't next. She would do anything to protect herself and her unborn daughter, even if it meant having Fin come in and kick his ass for her.

"Elliot." Olivia spoke once she finally went inside and looked at her fiance.

"Go away." Elliot growled without turning to look at Olivia. Olivia didn't even know if Elliot realized it was her.

"Babe, it's me. Liv." Olivia spoke gently, and Elliot turned around slowly. He had a busted lip and a black eye, let alone the bloody knuckles.

"You shouldn't be here... you have to be disappointed in me."

"For what?" Olivia asked because she'd rather get her fiance to talk instead of him thinking she's there to bitch at him.

"I almost killed a guy today, and I promised to not be violent. You don't like that about me, and I don't blame you... I'm just so angry, Liv. At myself and at Kathy... I'm sorry." Elliot whispered as he kept his distance from Olivia.

"Baby, c'mere."

"I'll hurt you. I would hate myself if I ever hurt you or our daughter... so I'm going to stay here and I need you to leave."

"You won't hurt me, El. You have never hurt me. So I'm going to come to you, okay?"

"Don't-" Elliot started, but he stopped when he felt Olivia wrap her arms around his waist.

"Tell me what happened. I can help you talk through it."

"Kathy is angry that we are getting married and that I'm making a life with you. She's making me angry, and I took it out on a perp and on the crew."

"This is a lot of change for everyone. We just have to let her cool off and maybe she'll feel better about this. She probably won't be congratulating us or asking to be my maid of honor, but she will accept it."

"I don't think she will, though! Olivia, she hates you! She called you a slut!"

"I don't blame her, babe. I feel like I did ruin a marriage, even if it was already in the process of ending... but just put what she said to the side and we can go home. You and I can get your hands cleaned up and we can cuddle and get you calmed down." Olivia smiled. 

Elliot was really worked up, so he didn't really want to listen to reason. He quickly pulled himself from Olivia's arms before shoving her away. Olivia stumbled a bit and fell into the wall as Fin ran into the room.

"Man, don't touch her!" Fin exclaimed, and Olivia went to intervene, but stopped herself and just walked out.

"I need space, Fin! So go away before I beat the shit out of you and her!" Elliot screamed, and Olivia heard from outside the door as tears slipped down her cheeks.

"He doesn't mean that, Liv." Cragen spoke, as he looked over at Olivia.

"God, do I hope he doesn't mean that because I'm kinda stuck with him..."


Olivia got the locks to the house changed that night, so Elliot couldn't get in when he was angry. She wanted to feel safe, and earlier she didn't feel safe. She felt like Elliot might actually be on a rampage that won't be resolved for a while.

"Why did you give me a new key?" Maureen asked, as Olivia passed her daughter back her keys.

"I got the locks changed and these are the new keys." Olivia replied.


"They haven't been changed in a while and it needed to be done. So why don't you go and finish dishes and then we should head to bed. Okay?"


"Maureen, please don't push me. Not tonight."

Partners For Life [A Bensler FanFic]Where stories live. Discover now