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Maureen sat on the sofa with her baby sister cradled in her arms. She didn't know what to do, so she just stared at her. Maureen never expected to have another sibling, let alone a little sister that came from Olivia. Yet she was so happy that Olivia and her father were together, and that little Tallulah Marie was a part of their family.

"So what do you think?" Elliot asked as he stood in front of his daughter with Eli resting on his hip.

"She is a lot cuter than the others." Maureen smiled as she looked up from her sister.

"Real nice." Kathleen huffed, and Maureen laughed softly.

"Is she the last one?" Maureen asked suddenly, as she wondered if she'd be at home when yet another Stabler was born.

"I have no idea, Mo. Right now, I really don't feel like having another kid. But in a few years I might change my mind." Olivia replied, as she glanced at her fiance.

"We would also need a bigger house, because Tally is sleeping in a storage room and not an actual room." Elliot sighed, and Olivia nodded in agreement before looking back at Maureen.

"Why are you asking? Do you want another sibling? Is being the eldest of six not enough?" Olivia asked, and Maureen sighed softly before gently tracing her finger over her sister's cheek.

"I'm just thinking if you have another baby or two... that I won't be as close to them. I'm thinking about college and being so far away from our family." Maureen breathed.

"You will come home most weekends, Mo. So don't worry. Now, I think it's time to share Tally with the others. You can be a baby hog when we bring her home."


When Olivia and Tally were finally released, Olivia was shocked how easily she fell into the role of taking care of her baby full time. She got help from Elliot and the kids when they were home, but when they were at school and work, she managed Tally without freaking out too much. Olivia absolutely loved spending hours with her baby and bonding with her.

"Are you going to be good today?" Elliot asked as he got dressed early a week after Tally was born.

"What do you mean?" Olivia asked as she put Tally to her shoulder to burp her.

"I have an appointment this morning, so I'll be gone."

"You never told me about an appointment..." Olivia trailed off nervously. She didn't like that Elliot was hiding things from her, especially since they hadn't fought since coming home from the hospital, and Olivia didn't want to start it again.

"I got it on Monday. You were napping with Tally, and I got a call from that therapist's office that I'm attempting to get into. They had an opening today, so I took it. I'll only be gone for a few hours." Elliot spoke.

"Oh, okay... but you'll be home to spend the rest of the day with us? Especially since you are back to working your normal hours next week." Olivia replied.

"I'll be home before Tallulah's next feeding. I promise." Elliot smiled. He walked over to Olivia and kissed her lips softly before kissing the top of his baby's head.


Elliot arrived at the therapist's office just moments before his appointment was supposed to start. He had gotten caught in traffic, and also had to talk to Eli because he was fighting Olivia on everything this morning.

"I'm assuming you are Mr. Stabler?" The woman asked as she came out of the office. Elliot turned and looked at her before nodding.

"Yes, ma'am. I'm here to see Dr. Taylor." Elliot spoke, and she smiled.

"Good, I'm ready to see you then." She replied, and Elliot's eyes went wide. He thought his therapist would be a man, and now he was unsure if he could open up about everything to a woman. Olivia was one thing, but a stranger was a whole other thing.

"Are you sure that you are the one I'm supposed to see?" Elliot asked nervously as he sank down onto the sofa.

"Yes, Elliot. I am the only Dr. Taylor in this building." She chuckled.

"I'm sorry... I just didn't expect this. I don't really trust women quickly, other than my fiancee."

"That is okay, Elliot. We can build trust. It's part of therapy."

Dr. Taylor looked at Elliot for a moment before sitting across from him.

"So, tell me about yourself."

"What do you want to know?" Elliot breathed as he played with his watch.

"Tell me about your family, your job, maybe things you like to do."

"Oh, okay..." Elliot trailed off.

They sat in silence for a while, before Elliot eventually decided what to tell the therapist.

"Well, I am a father to six. My youngest is a week old, and the others range from three to seventeen."

"Do you like being a father?" Dr. Taylor asked, and Elliot nodded.

"I love it. My kids are the reasons I get up in the morning." Elliot admitted.

"Now you said you have a fiancee? Is she the mother of all six of your children?"

"I am engaged, but Olivia is only the biological mother to my youngest."

"Is she helping you raise the other five?"

"She is the only mother my other five have right now..." Elliot trailed off as tears burned his eyes.

"Elliot, what happened to their mother?" Dr. Taylor asked gently. Elliot closed his eyes tightly before swallowing hard.

"She ran away last year... actually almost a full year ago. She just left without saying anything. She just abandoned us." Elliot breathed.

"That is why you are here, huh?"

"Dr. Taylor-"

"Elliot, I'm assuming that you are here to discuss what happened. I can help you with everything, and I just need you to open up to me. Tell me exactly what happened."

"You really want to know what happened? Well, Kathy came back into our lives not that long ago and got angry that Olivia and I are together. That we were expecting a baby together... then when we got engaged, she got pissed off and said that we are moving too fast! She blames me for her unhappiness, so maybe she should be here. Not me. Since I'm clearly the bad guy and not the fucking victim."

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