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Olivia and Elliot quickly stepped back from each other after their quick and unexpected kiss. She knew that it had to be an accident because she had turned her head to look at him. It was her fault.

"Oh, geez." Elliot breathed, and Olivia swallowed hard as she raked her fingers through her hair.

"Uh, I'm so sorry... I just wanted to look at you, not kiss you. I'm so sorry." Olivia exclaimed, before walking around the counter and towards the kitchen door.

"Hey! I'm sorry it happened too, and I swear that I didn't try to do it. So please, don't leave right now. We should finish this pot of coffee and try to figure out what to do with Maureen. If we should ground her or-"

"I'm not her mother, Elliot. You gotta figure it out by yourself. I don't want her to hate me if I try to ground her... night."

Olivia quickly left the house, and Elliot hated what had happened. Everything was more awkward than before, and it wasn't a good thing. The kids and he needed her, but he might have just caused her to leave just like Kathy.


The next morning, Elliot arrived at work and kept his head down. He was worried that if he looked around the squadroom, that he would discover that Olivia's desk was empty and she had asked for a transfer.

"How's Mo?" Olivia asked, and Elliot jumped as he turned around quickly and looked at his partner.

"You... what are you doing here?" Elliot asked.

"Uh, I work here. So, how is Maureen doing after last night?" Olivia questioned, and Elliot swallowed hard as he ran his hands over his face.

"She cried herself to sleep last night. She wasn't awake when I left, but I'm assuming that she is in just as bad of a state as yesterday." Elliot sighed.

"Do you want me to talk to her again? Or do you want to try that?" Olivia mused, as she walked towards the coffee pots, as Elliot followed her closely.

"I don't know what we should say, Liv. A lot has changed for her, and I don't think she will ever be the same."

"Of course she won't be the same, El. She thinks that this is all her fault. When you are absolutely certain that something is your fault, and you have the stubbornness of your parents... it is going to be hard to convince you otherwise. I'm just glad that she got off that bus and let me take her home." Olivia frowned.

She looked at Elliot, but he kept avoiding her eyes. Eventually he turned and walked over to his desk before picking up his phone. He didn't care if he woke his kids up, all he knew is that he had to call them and check in. To make sure that Maureen was doing better than she was last night.


They didn't catch a case, but Elliot was behind on his paperwork so he couldn't go home and see his kids as soon as he wanted. So he asked Olivia to spend the night with them instead. She agreed without thinking twice, because even if it was awkward between herself and Elliot, she still promised to help out with the kids.

"Kids?" Olivia called into the house, after unlocking the front door with her spare key. After a moment, Eli came sprinting from the bathroom and flung himself at Olivia.

"Livvie!" He exclaimed, and Olivia smiled as she looked down at the small boy.

"Hey, buddy! How are you doing?" Olivia mused, and Eli shrugged as he looked at her.

"I'm fine, I guess. Kathleen has taken care of us today because Mo won't leave her room." Eli sighed, before stepping back and moving to his toy box.

"She hasn't left her room at all?" Olivia asked, and Eli nodded.

"Nope." He replied, before grabbing his two favorite dinosaurs and started to make them fight.

Olivia sat her bag on the couch before moving up the stairs. She passed Lizzie on the way, and the little girl didn't have much to say. Olivia walked down the hall and frowned when she saw Kathleen sitting outside of Maureen's door.

"Hey, kiddo. How are you doing?" Olivia asked, and Kathleen sniffled as she wiped her cheeks off with the back of her hand.

"Maureen won't leave her room and I had to take care of the younger three all day. I tried to make them lunch and breakfast, but I burnt the grilled cheeses and we were all out of cereal for breakfast. I don't know what I'm doing and I'm completely overwhelmed." Kathleen whimpered, before standing and moving to Olivia.

Olivia hugged her tightly for several long moments, before sending her to do whatever she wanted. 

"Mo? It's Liv, can you unlock this door? Please." Olivia spoke softly as she rested her hand against the door.

"Where's Dad?" Maureen whispered.

"Your father is finishing up his paperwork at work. He should be home by eight."

"Maybe he won't come home." Maureen whispered before she hesitantly unlocked the door. Olivia opened it before stepping in and shutting it behind her.

"He's coming home, Maureen."

"Why are you so sure about that? He could very well just walk away. Mama did. She didn't even look back. She just walked out on her family. Her supposed soulmate and the five kids she claimed to love. Do you honestly... do you honestly think that my father isn't capable of doing that to us too?" Maureen grumbled as she moved to her bed.

"I think that your father is an amazing father, husband, detective, and friend. I think that he will do anything and everything in his power to keep this family functioning and thriving. It is going to be hard, but he will be able to do it." Olivia smiled.

"Will you help him?" Maureen asked, as she looked up from her hands and at Olivia. 

"I have always helped your father and this family. And I certainly will not change my mind now."

"Good, because Kathleen and I cannot do all the mothering, when we are just kids ourselves."

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