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Olivia knew she had to be available to Elliot at all times, so he didn't think she was abandoning him again. So she waited at the hospital and was there when Elliot got released.

"Hey, El." Olivia smiled as she stood up quickly. Elliot looked at Olivia for a moment before shoving his hands into the pockets of his sweatpants.

"Uh, they can't keep me here any longer... but they said I can't go home either. I am suicidal, and they said if I go home that I'll probably end up in the basement instead of back in the ward." Elliot rambled a bit.

"Okay. So what is your plan?" Olivia whispered.

"I don't know. But this isn't your situation. So... goodbye." Elliot breathed. He walked away from Olivia and to the doors. Olivia got to his side quickly and grabbed his arm.

She turned him around to face her before reaching out and gently cupping his cheeks in her hands. Olivia still loved this man, and she could see how lost he was just by looking into his eyes.

"I'm not letting you walk out that door, Elliot. So either you can come home with me now, or you can get some help and come home in a few months." 

"Liv." Elliot whispered, as tears welled in his eyes.

"Baby, those are your only choices. You aren't going back to your apartment to end your life. We need to start our life together... again. Like maybe in a few years we can make Tally a big sister or get a dog? I know that you have wanted a dog for a while." Olivia smiled tearfully.

"I don't want to keep hurting you." Elliot sobbed.

"I don't want to continue hurting you either. How about you check into a hospital for a stay, and I'll get outpatient therapy? I am fucked up just like you." Olivia laughed weakly.

"Then I guess we are a perfect match." Elliot sniffled before wrapping his arms around Olivia's body. They clung to each other for a while before Elliot leaned back and placed a shaky kiss to Olivia's lips.

"Why don't we go back to your apartment and pack up your stuff, and then we can find a hospital. Okay?"

"I really want to go home to you... but I know that this is for the best."

"It is, baby. So c'mon. We have stuff to do."


Three Months Later

Olivia kept her promise to Elliot, and she started to do therapy while he was in the hospital. Olivia had some pretty bad abandonment issues, so those were addressed over the three months Elliot was working on himself in the hospital. The timing sucked, especially since this all happening during the holidays and during Maureen, Eli, and Kathleen's birthdays.

However, the stress of everything was rough but worth it. Elliot was back on track, and they were hoping to get their lives back on track.

"Olivia?" Elliot questioned, and Olivia turned around quickly and smiled at Elliot.

"Wow, you shaved." Olivia spoke as she walked to where Elliot was. 

"I wasn't allowed to shave myself, but the nurse did it for me since I told her I needed to look nice for my girl." Elliot smiled. He leaned in and kissed Olivia for several long moments, before leaning back and looking her over.

"It is so great to look at you. The video calls sucked, and the calls just didn't help at all." Elliot spoke as he ran his hands over Olivia's lower back and then down to her ass.

Olivia blushed before leaning in and resting her head against Elliot's shoulder.

"Clearly all of your medicine didn't make you any less of a flirt." Olivia sighed.

"Can we go home now?" Elliot asked as he gave Olivia a squeeze.

"Yes, we can. Uh, all the kids are out of the house. Tally is at daycare, so it's empty." Olivia breathed.

"Empty, huh? I guess we might have plans when we get home." 


Olivia had told herself to take things slow with Elliot, but she hadn't slept with him since October, and she couldn't stop herself from making love to him when they got home. It felt great to be in his arms, and to use these quiet moments to experience being together again.

"How have you and the kids been?" Elliot asked as he held Olivia against his bare body.

"We have been okay. Maureen is enjoying college, Kathleen is getting way too close to graduation, the twins are still fighting like crazy, Eli seems to never stop growing, and Tally is still my baby." Olivia smiled as she lifted her head and locked eyes with Elliot.

"And you? How are you doing?" Elliot breathed.

Olivia closed her eyes before resting her head back against Elliot's chest.

"I'm in therapy, and working through things one day at a time. It feels fantastic to be laying here with you, especially since a few months ago we almost lost you."

"I'm not going anywhere... like ever again."

"El, we have some things to still work out. Like, what do you plan on doing for a job?" Olivia mused, as she sat up and raked her fingers through her brown locks.

"I can't be a cop anymore because of my mental status. So maybe I should get into other things. I could be a private investigator or a security guard."

"El-" Olivia started.

"No, Liv. I will figure something out so that I can help provide for our family."

Olivia nodded slowly before sighing softly.

"I want another baby, El. We need to actually discuss things, so that in the future we have a plan. I know that this family wasn't the plan, but it is a blessing. But I want to have plans for the future, because it would do us both good." Olivia sighed.

"Are you on birth control?" Elliot questioned quickly.

"What?" Olivia asked, as she turned to look at Elliot.

"Are you on birth control? Because if you want to plan things out, I don't think an unexpected baby is what you want right now." Elliot spoke.

"Yeah, I am. I'm planning for a future, so you need to jump on board and plan with me too. Okay?"

"I'm willing to do anything for you, Liv. I'm better now, and I'll be a better boyfriend... fiance... maybe husband in the future."

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