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"Here she is, Olivia." A nurse smiled softly as she carried the small pink bundle back to Olivia's bed. Olivia pushed herself up some more before carefully taking her baby into her arms.

"Thanks." Olivia spoke, and the nurse nodded before going out into the hall. Elliot had been there when the baby was born, but left shortly thereafter to make calls. He had to make sure that the kids would be excused from school today, and he had to call the crew to let them know the baby was finally there.

"Alright, I called the kids off from school and I left Cragen a message." Elliot smiled as he walked into the room.

"Thanks." Olivia breathed.

"Are you okay?" Elliot asked, and Olivia nodded as tears slipped down her cheeks.

"I can't believe I have another daughter... and she's so cute." Olivia sniffled. She took one hand away from her daughter before brushing a tear from her cheek.

"She looks a lot like you, Liv." Elliot spoke before leaning close and kissing Olivia's temple softly. He sank down onto the edge of her bed before reaching out and pushing the hat from his daughter's head so he could see her hair. 

"El, can we stop fighting? Can we just put this all behind us? Because I'm not taking Tallulah home to a place where we hate each other." Olivia whispered.

"We aren't putting this all behind us Olivia-"

"What? Are you honestly happier when we are fighting? Because if that is so, I'm done. You can take your ring and-"

"No! I didn't mean it like that! I meant it more like that I don't want to just shove everything away and forget about it. We need to deal with it properly... I need to figure out what I need. I think I'm pissed off beyond belief, and I need to get help for that. To help deal with everything that happened with Kathy."

"But we are good, right?" Olivia asked quietly, as she kept her eyes focused on her little girl.

"We are, Liv. I am so sorry for hurting you, and I promise to try my hardest to never hurt you again. I can't lose you and Tallulah, because I'm sure the kids would also want to leave with you too."


Elliot went home after Olivia decided to get some sleep, and Tallulah was sent down to the nursery to have some tests run on her. He arrived home not long after the kids had gotten up and were making breakfast.

"Dad?" Kathleen asked as she walked out of the kitchen and looked at her father.

"Hey, kid. Is everyone up?" He asked, and Kathleen nodded hesitantly.

"Yeah. Maureen and I are making breakfast... what are you doing home? Aren't you supposed to be at the hospital with Liv?"

"Liv had your baby sister, so I could come home and check in on you."

"When did she have the baby?!" Lizzie asked as she raced from the kitchen. 

"About two hours ago. I was going to call you, but it was really early."

"Can we go meet her? Or-"

"Liv is sleeping right now, and the baby is in nursery getting looked at. So we are going to eat breakfast, I need to take a shower and nap, and then we can head up to see them."

"Did you name the baby, or is she going to remain without a name for a week, just like Kathleen?" Maureen smiled as she turned to look at her father. Before Olivia had fallen asleep, she sent a text to Maureen to make sure she knew everything was good. That she and Elliot were no longer fighting.

"She has a name. Olivia picked Tallulah Marie."

"Tallulah? That doesn't seem like something that you would help decide on." Maureen spoke, and Elliot shrugged.

"Olivia said she loved it, and I love her. So I think we are going to call her Tally for short, since Eli won't be able to pronounce it." Elliot smiled as he walked over to his youngest son and ruffled his curls.

"Tally sounds better." Eli spoke, and Elliot laughed.

"C'mon. Everyone who isn't making breakfast, wash up."


Olivia was laying in her hospital bed with Tallulah sleeping against her chest, when an unexpected guest showed up. 

"Are you sure that is Elliot's child?" 

Olivia quickly looked up from her newborn before swallowing hard when she saw Bernie standing there.

"It is his child. He has been the only man I have ever been with in forever... how did you even find out that I had her?" Olivia sighed.

"Maureen is still in contact with me, even if you thought your brainwashing was successful." Bernie spoke. She walked into the room before moving over to the bed. She went to touch the baby, but Olivia quickly swatted her hand away.

"You aren't allowed to lay a hand on my child. You disapprove of what Elliot and I are doing, so you also disapprove of this beautiful baby. So I think it's time you leave."

"Ma? What are you doing here?" Elliot asked as he carried Eli into the room.

"Gran, I told you not to come up here."

"I want you to get a DNA test, Elliot. Make sure this bas-"

"Don't call my sister that name!" Dickie yelled, before he promptly kicked his grandmother in the shin.

There was a lot of commotion, and a nurse had to take Bernie from the room because she kept yelling very mean things at the kids and Olivia.

"It's okay, Dickie." Olivia cooed softly as she held Dickie close. He had been smacked by his grandmother, and went right to Olivia to be comforted. He snuggled into her side and buried his face into her shoulder.

"I didn't want her to call Tally, that mean name... I know I shouldn't hurt others, but she is always so mean... please don't be angry with me." Dickie sniffled.

"I'm not angry, Dickie. What happened... it happened and we can't take it back. But she wasn't welcomed here. Now, lets just put this all behind us for the moment so you can meet your baby sister." Olivia smiled before passing her daughter to Maureen.

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