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Elliot tossed and turned all night as he thought about his wife. He had seen her shut down a bit, but he was sure that everything would get better. But it didn't get better, and she left because things just got worse for her. Elliot hated himself for letting things get so out of hand, and for letting Kathy think that her only way to feel better is if she got out of their house, city, and maybe even the state.

When his alarm went off, Elliot slowly climbed out of bed before running his hands over his face. He didn't have to work today, but he still had to get up and make breakfast for his kids. He still had to figure out how to move forward.

When the kids finally got up two hours after Elliot woke up, they found burnt pancakes and bacon sitting on the kitchen table and a mess in the sink.

"You made breakfast?" Dickie questioned, as he pinched his nose as a disgusted look grew on his face.

"Yeah, I made breakfast." Elliot replied with a sigh.

"But where is Mama? She usually makes us breakfast... and it's never burned." Lizzie frowned.

"Well, Mama isn't here right now. So please just sit down and eat." Elliot ordered. He was already about in tears and hated that his kids clearly favored their mother over him in many ways. Like her cooking, the way she helps with their homework, and even her hugs.

The kids sat down and just picked at the breakfast their father made for them. They pushed the cut up pieces of pancakes around, and eventually just pushed their plates forward.

"Kids, c'mon. Please." Elliot frowned when he saw the kids hadn't even given his food a shot.

"Mama makes better pancakes... so where is she? Because I'd prefer hers over yours." Maureen replied.

Elliot stared at his kids for a moment before scrubbing his hand over his face. He slowly walked over to the table before grabbing onto the back of Kathy's chair and running his fingers over the carved wood.

"She is taking a break right now."

"A break from what?" Maureen sighed as she crossed her arms over her chest and eyed her father. 

"From us. The family." 

"What? Mama's gone?" Lizzie sniffled.

"Hey, don't cry. She might come back, but until then we need to all work together to make things work."

"Is that why Liv was here last night? Because Mama told her that she was leaving?"

"No, your mother didn't tell us anything. Liv came over because I needed her... but trust me when I say that we can make it through this."

"I want Mama, now!" Eli sobbed as he shoved his plate off the table.


Olivia got a call from Elliot at about eight that morning. He screamed into the phone as he talked about what was happening at his house. How his kids were demanding that he get Kathy back. So once again, Olivia left her apartment to help Elliot. She stopped and got breakfast for the kids, before finally heading to Queens.

"I want Mama!" Olivia heard Eli scream. She cringed from how loud he sounded, but also how upset he was. He was a Mama's boy for sure, so finding out that his mother left them was harder on him.

Olivia opened the front door and was almost knocked over when Eli tried to escape. But he stopped when he ran into Olivia, before quickly hugging her legs as he sobbed.

"Livvie, get my Mama." He sobbed into her legs.

"Baby, it's okay. We will figure out what is happening with your Mama." Olivia frowned as she ruffled his blonde curls. 

"Please, Livvie. I'll be good, I promise! I just want my Mama."

"I know, Eli. But I can't help you unless we get you inside and fill your belly. I bet that you are starving." Olivia breathed.

"Y-yeah... Daddy burnt our pancakes." Eli sniffled.


Olivia found the kids, but not Elliot. She sat them down and made sure they ate, before searching the house for her best friend. And instead of finding him in the house, she found him smoking in the kids' tree house.

"I thought you quit." Olivia frowned as she popped her head up through the trapdoor opening.

"Yeah, well, my wife left me and our five kids. I should be allowed to smoke." Elliot snapped. Olivia sighed deeply before pushing herself up and moving towards the other crate that served as a chair.

"El, I'm on your side." Olivia spoke softly, as she sat down across from Elliot.

"I really don't think that you are on my side, Olivia. I bet that you helped Kathy leave. You are just playing dumb." Elliot hissed. Olivia rolled her eyes before standing and raking her fingers through her hair.

"Kathy isn't the biggest fan of me, El. She didn't like the fact that we spent more time together than you spent with her. So I didn't even know she was leaving, just like you. And stop attacking me, because I'm the only other adult on your side right now. I'm the one that got your kids to eat." Olivia grumbled.

"Did you drug them? Threaten them?" Elliot asked, and Olivia laughed softly and shook her head.

"No, I just bought them food that wasn't burnt. I think some of their attitude was because they were starving. Now, do you want to continue being a jerk to me, or do you want me to help you?" Olivia asked quietly.

Elliot dropped his head as he put his cigarette out.

"How can I do this?" Elliot breathed.

"Raise the kids alone?" Olivia questioned.

"Yeah... like, how do I approach when the girls go through puberty?"

"Well, Mo and Kathleen both have already gone through it... and I'm a woman. I can help."

"I can't cook, the kids hate me because I'm never around, and Eli said my hugs suck. So I might need more help than you could ever imagine."

"And as your work wife, and best friend... I'm willing to help you out the best I can. I'll even stop going on dates."

"All those guys are assholes anyway, so I don't think it'll be a big loss."

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