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Olivia groaned deeply as she kicked her heels off before flopping down onto her bed. Yet again, she went on a date in search of Mr. Right, but instead she felt used, dirty, and heartbroken. All the guys she went on dates with ended up being jerks or just wanted to sleep with her. But she wanted something more, something like what Elliot and Kathy had together.

She eventually rolled over onto her back and stared at the ceiling for a few moments, before sighing when she heard her phone ring. She was thinking that it was Cragen or Munch calling her in, so she waited as long as possible before reaching for her phone and answering.


"Liv?" Elliot breathed. Olivia sat up quickly as concerned filled her heart and mind. Elliot sounded so upset and lost, and it scared Olivia to death.

"What's wrong, El?" Olivia questioned.

"I need your help... can you come over? Right now?" Elliot asked.

"Uh, yeah. Can you tell me what's happening? I'm kinda worried." Olivia frowned as she stood up before moving to her closet to find something less dressy to wear over to Elliot's house. She didn't need him to tease her about going out with yet another asshole.

"I don't want the kids to hear it over the phone, so just come over and I'll tell you once you get here." Elliot grumbled before he ended the call.

Olivia looked at her phone for a moment before sitting it on her dresser and changing as quickly as she could. Elliot needed her, and she wanted to be there for him.


When Olivia pulled up to Elliot's house in Queens, she saw that Kathy's van wasn't in the driveway and that most of the lights in the house were off.

Olivia hesitantly got out of her car and made her way up the path. She knocked ever so lightly, and the door was opened just moments later.

"Hey." Elliot breathed, and Olivia frowned when she saw tears on Elliot's cheeks.

"What happened? Did you get into a fight with one of the kids? Kathy? Is your mother okay?" Olivia questioned rapidly.

"Come in... I have something to show you." Elliot sighed. He led Olivia into the kitchen, before handing her a piece of tear stained notebook paper.

Olivia read over it before her eyes went wide. She quickly looked up at Elliot and saw as he ran his hands over his face.

"She left?"

"She left... she left when the kids and I were out of the house. She took all of her clothes and she even withdrew half of the money from our bank account... Liv, I knew that she was upset but I didn't think that she was so upset to the point that she'd just abandon our kids. She told me that she didn't want anything to do with any of us, but what can I do now?" Elliot sniffled.

"You will figure it out, El. We will figure it out... I'll help, I promise. But you might want to think about contacting her."

"I love Kathy, so very much. I thought that we were still in love, but clearly she doesn't love me anymore." Elliot grumbled.

"Okay, she didn't say that. She probably still loves you and the kids, but maybe she just needed a break. She has had five kids in the last sixteen years."

"But she said she wanted all of them! That she liked how big our family was, and how fast it was growing... but now she changes her mind?! She can't do that!" Elliot yelled.


Elliot stormed out and left Olivia at home with his kids. Olivia tried to call and text Kathy, but she just kept ignoring everything. She wanted to be alone and away from her family, and clearly she didn't want to be contacted at all. 

Olivia finally gave up on trying to contact Kathy, before sinking down onto the sofa and tossing her phone onto the cushion beside her. She raked her fingers through her hair, before hearing a soft voice from the stairs.

"Liv?" Maureen asked, and Olivia swallowed hard as she finally looked up at the girl.

"Hey, Mo. You should probably go back to bed. It's late." Olivia replied, unsure of what to say if Maureen started to question why she was there, and where her parents were.

"Why are you here?" Maureen mused, and Olivia frowned as she avoided looking at the teen.

"Uh, your Dad needed to talk. And I'm just waiting here until he gets back."

"And where did he go?" 

"I don't know, Mo. But everything is okay. Just go back upstairs and I'm sure your father will talk to you in the morning." Olivia replied. She stood before moving and trying to turn Maureen back around, but she fought her. Maureen stared into Olivia's eyes for a moment before sighing.

"What are you hiding, Liv? Because I have known you since I was little, and your eyes are red from crying and you aren't telling me everything. Just tell me the truth. I'm sixteen and can handle everything that you are hiding from me." Maureen spoke stubbornly. She crossed her arms over her chest and kept her eyes locked on Olivia's, which made Olivia uncomfortable. 

"Maureen Nicole Stabler, go back to your room. This isn't my news to tell. Go." Olivia ordered.

"Did someone die? Did-"

"Listen to Olivia, Mo. Go back to your room." Elliot slurred a bit as he came in through the front door. Olivia turned around quickly and looked Elliot over, and he seemed to be unharmed, minus his slurring words.


"Go!" Elliot boomed. Maureen quickly turned and ran back up the stairs. She slammed her bedroom door behind her, before Olivia even moved to Elliot's side.

"Where did you go?"

"It doesn't matter, and I'm not talking anymore tonight. I gotta get some sleep, because I'm pretty certain that tomorrow will be the first full day that I'm a single father. Especially since no one, not even Kathy's mother, has seen or heard from her. She's gone. For good."

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