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Olivia's eyes went wide as she heard Elliot's way of proposing to her. He didn't get down on one knee, but he was proposing.

"You want to marry me?" Olivia asked as she looked at her boyfriend.

"Olivia, I love you... more than any other women in this world. I know we are going to be good together, because we already are. We already are having a baby together, so I really think that getting married is the next step. We can wait until you are ready to have a big white wedding, but-"

"Elliot, you are rambling." Olivia smiled. Elliot looked at her before finally taking a breath.

"I'm sorry. I just don't want you to think that I'm only asking you to marry me because I knocked you up. I want to marry you because I love you and you make me incredibly happy." Elliot breathed. He was starting to get nervous, and Olivia could really tell. She reached her hands out to him, and he stood before moving around to her side.

"I would love to marry you, El. Not because you knocked me up, but because I love you too." Olivia smiled. Elliot helped her to her feet before kissing her deeply. He grabbed his wallet from his pocket before pulling out the diamond ring he had been carrying around in it.

"Do you like it?" He asked, as he slipped it onto Olivia's finger.

"It's beautiful, babe. I love it."


Olivia wears rings all the time, but the engagement ring that Elliot gave her was incredibly special. She was excited that she and Elliot were engaged and really planning a life together, and she was also excited that Elliot didn't just propose because he felt bad for her. 

"What the heck are you guys doing up still? It's late!" Olivia exclaimed as she walked into the house and found all five of her kids sitting on the sofa.

"How was your dinner, Momma?!" Lizzie asked, as she quickly climbed off the couch and ran to her mother. Olivia hugged her daughter tightly before looking at the rest of the kids.

"Did you all know that Daddy was going to propose to me tonight?" Olivia asked, and the kids all nodded.

"We did. He asked me to help pick out the ring too... so did you say yes?" Maureen asked, and Olivia nodded.

"I did say yes, but you all know that it's time for bed. Your dad will be in soon, so scoot." Olivia spoke. The kids took turns hugging her, and then they headed upstairs. Olivia was just starting to pick up a few toys when her fiance came inside.

"Were the kids up when you came inside?" Elliot asked, and Olivia nodded as she threw the toys into the toy box.

"They were awake, but once I told them that I accepted your proposal, I sent them upstairs to bed. I'll have to check on them to make sure they are actually going to sleep." Olivia replied.

"I don't think I'll be able to sleep tonight." Elliot spoke as he walked over to Olivia and wrapped his arms around her waist.

"You couldn't stop yawning on the drive home." Olivia chuckled.

"Yeah, but now I'm home and it's exciting. I'm engaged to you. I get to go back to work tomorrow and tell everyone that Benson is finally going to marry me." Elliot smiled. He started to sway back and forth, and Olivia leaned forward and rested her head against her fiance's shoulder.

"I don't need the big white wedding, El. If we wanted to do something smaller, I'd be okay with that. I'd like to focus mostly on our family, so I don't need a fancy dress or tons of guests. I'd be okay with just the kids and our friends." Olivia breathed. Elliot held her closer before nodding.

"We can do whatever you want, baby. I do think we should wait to plan until maybe early next year. We should be used to this baby by then."

"Okay, then on the first day of next year, we will decide what we want to do for our wedding. But until that, can we go upstairs? I'm wearing heels and a dress, and I'd really rather be in pajamas."


The next morning, Elliot left early so that he could go and talk to Kathy before work. He was worried about breaking the news to her, but he had to tell her to make sure she wouldn't find out at a bad time.

"Is something wrong with the kids?" Kathy asked as she sat down across from Elliot. Elliot shook his head as he sat his mug down.

"No, the kids are fine. They are enjoying school again, and they still haven't decided what they want to do for their birthdays." Elliot spoke, and Kathy frowned.

"I was hoping you were going to tell me that the kids were ready to see me... if you would have told me that, then I would find a house with plenty of space for them."

"Kath, they aren't ready yet. They have your number, and they will call when they are ready. Right now, I have to talk to you about something else. I don't want you to find out from someone else, so I decided to tell you."

"Okay? Did you and Olivia break up? Did she have the baby or something?"

"I know that you pray daily that we break up, but that's not happening. We are getting married though."

Kathy stared at Elliot for a long moment before running her hands over her face.

"You are moving on mighty fast, El. Don't you think that maybe you should wait? She might not be the one for you." Kathy frowned.

"Kathy, she's raising the kids with me, and she's so close to having our daughter. We are in love, and I think we have loved each other for longer than either of us has realized. Now, don't be mean about this. I told you this to make sure that you didn't feel like I was hiding things from you."

"We haven't even been divorced for a year yet, and you are already going to get married. Thanks a lot."

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