Loud ringing ripped him out of his mindset as he blinked up at the clock in confusion, school was already over for today? Aizawa groggily sat up in his sleeping bag, mumbling something about them not forgetting about the party and them being dismissed for today before he flopped back down once again, unmoving. Izuku could only eye his teacher with pity.

Being used to their teacher's behavior, the rest of class 1-A simply started packing up and leaving the classroom within their groups, talking about whatever there was to talk about. Izuku himself grabbed his bag and joined his group, usually referred to as the "Deku-squad" or the Izu-crew, consisting of Todoroki, Iida, Ochako, and Tsu (and occasionally Tokoyami, Shinsou, Hatsume, along with a few others).

They chattered amongst one another on their way towards the dorms, talking about what they'd wear for the party or if they would bring anything until Izuku remembered that he wanted to go check up on his mother and ask her if they still had anything that he could wear for the party. So he quickly waved them goodbye for now and rushed out of the school and off-campus.

It took him about 15 minutes to get to his neighborhood and luckily he had no run-ins with anyone. Knocking at the wooden apartment door, he could hear his mother scrambling on the inside as soon as she recognized his voice, hurrying to open the door and let her baby in. ,,IZUKU!" Inko exclaimed happily as she threw open the door and pulled her son into the apartment.

,,Hi mom". Izuku laughed, melting into her embrace and smiling brightly. He hadn't been able to visit his mother lately because of the upgraded security measures and exhausting classes so he was glad to finally be here again and not just text her through his phone. The hug lasted another few seconds before they pulled apart, his mother smiling up at him.

,,You've gotten a little taller.. My baby is getting all mature". Izuku could see her eyes getting misty with tears and felt his own grow wet at that. ,,Mooom!", he whined at her comment resulting in her chuckling softly. ,,How is school going? Is everyone being nice?". Izuku nodded fondly, thinking back at how his class was constantly on the lookout for one another.

,,UA is holding a party for the first-class heroic courses because our field trip was canceled and I wondered if we still have.. Some formal clothes that I could wear?" His question hinted at his father's wardrobe, which had been left untouched over all these years of his absence in his mother's bedroom. His mother paused, an unreadable expression flashing over her features, before quickly being replaced by a soft smile.

,,Of course, we still have plenty of your father's suits and ties here. Come, let's find you something that fits, he was a giant of a man, after all". Izuku's expression dims a bit at that, slightly guilty of reminding his mother about his absent father. But he kept quiet, silently following her into the bedroom, watching her skim through his father's wardrobe and pick out some suits.

It took them a short while to find something fitting but it was worth it. The suit he was now trying on fit almost perfectly, the black coat and pants complementing the white dress-shirt along with the red tie, which was still hanging loosely around his neck since he still had trouble with tying it the right way. On top of the outfit, his mother had also given him an old watch his father used to wear. Taking one last glance in the mirror and brushing his curly hair out of his face, he stepped out of the bathroom and presented himself to his mother.

Inko had been waiting patiently for her son to change and had just finished setting down a glass of water onto the table when she heard the bathroom door unlock and open. Excitedly she turned around, her eyes locking onto her dressed-up son who had just awkwardly stalked into the living room. Her smile promptly froze as her eyes widened at the sight in front of her.

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