Chapter 20

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Ida's POV-

A sharp pain shot up into my tummy as I awakened. What a wonderful way to wake up...

Wincing, I wrapped my arms tightly around myself, feeling slightly disoriented as I tried easing the aching the best that I could. I cracked open my eyes. The familiar view of the intricate wood carving on the walls and portrait of Loki greeted me.

The last thing I remembered was the lunar celebration, dancing around the fire with Fandral. After that my memory seemed to be completely faded. And now here I was, enveloped by the hug of the silky sheets around my body and the warmth of the thick comforter.

How did I end up back in my room..?

I sat up and scrubbed the palms of my hands into my eyes, trying to rid the biting sleepiness. My whole body felt like it was sick.

"Good morning, Sleepyhead"

Startled, my gaze shot over to the giant window. There, Fandral sat, his eyes drained with fatigue but that soft smile he always wore still teasing at his lips.

"What are you doing in here?" I asked slowly.

"You drank a little bit too much last night" he answered. "We had to bring you back home a couple hours before the party ended"

"That explains the stomach ache" I groaned, letting my head fall back down. "Ugh, I hate hangovers so much." I paused. "...Did you stay in here all night long?"

"You told me you did not want to be alone" he replied. "You also asked me to...dress you into your night gown. I hope you will not be mad at me for that. I did not touch you with bad intentions."

I was silent, trying to comprehend all of this information.

"And I sat over here all night"

I blinked. "Thank you"

"You are not mad?" he wondered warily.

"If I asked you to, I asked you to" I waved off.

"And you will not say anything to anyone?" he tilted his head.

"I have no reason to" I paused. "You are a respectful man. Any other would have taken advantage of my drunken state"

"You know I would never do that" sharply, he shook his head.

"I know. I trust you" That was something that I did not say to a man very often. In fact, I do not think that I had ever said that to anyone before.

"Well" he stood up. "Since you are awake and we have that all figured out, I will show myself out now"

"Wait" I sat up.

He turned.

"Thank you...again"

"For what?" he crinkled his brows.

"You know...taking care of me, and stuff" I shrugged. "I know you are probably tired as all get out right now. I am sorry that you had to stay up all night"

"It is my job" he gave me a little wink. "Plus, you are my friend. I would do it whether I had sworn to or not"

"That means a lot" I admitted.

Saying nothing, he only smiled at me before walking out, leaving me alone in the room.

I rolled out of bed, letting my bare feet hit the freezing floor. A shiver raced up my spine under the drastic temperature change. I grabbed a clean pair of socks and pulled them onto my feet to help keep myself warm. My father had told me once that if you wore a hat or socks, it will warm up your whole body. Ever since then, I have lived by that rule. 

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