Chapter 6

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Ida's POV-

When I woke up the next day, I saw that Loki was not only already up, but also still in the room. I was a bit surprised, considering how he was absent yesterday. Then again, this was only my second morning and third day here, so who was I to assume his daily routines?

He was sitting at his desk-a fine wood piece of furniture-and his head was hung over a book. His long fingers rested on either side of the pages, holding open the flaps, and his raven hair fell over his shoulders.

"Good morning" I greeted.

"Hm" he mumbled.

I got out of bed and my feet hit the cold floor. 

"Is it raining?" I tilted my head, noticing a steady pattering against the window.

"It is" he replied, still not looking up.

Humming to myself, I walked over to the window, sinking down to the ottoman and pulling back the curtains. "That's unfortunate. I was planning to spend the day outside again"

"Unfortunate, indeed" he agreed. "That sure would have beat being stuck inside with you"

My eyes flickered to him, catching his gaze. I guess he had finally decided to tear his attention away from the book.

"Feel free to roam the castle" he gestured out his hand. "There is not much to do, but there is plenty of people around. Perhaps you and Thor can spend some more time together"

Confused, I tilted my head.

"I know you two were outside together yesterday" he sat back. "I am not stupid"

"I was reading one of your books to him" I said. "I did not assume that was a bad thing?"

"Why would that be a bad thing?"

"I don't know" I admitted. "You are acting like it is..."

"No, no it's not" he picked the book up and cast his concentration back to it.

"He is nice" I went on. "Probably the most friendly person here"

"Maybe you should have married him instead"

He didn't sound upset at all, more just wishful thinking.

"How about you and Sif?" I raised an eyebrow.

I saw his muscles tense at the name. "You are jealous of Sif"

It was a statement, rather than a question.


"You sounds jealous" he smirked a little.

"I am not jealous at all" I frowned. "There is nothing to be jealous about"

"I know that, but do you know that?" he challenged.

"Just...shut up" I turned back to the window.

He didn't say anything, just shrugged as if surrendering. 

The rain continued to fall from the sky, trickling in droplets down the glass. When I was little I used to pretend like they were racing, cheering on one rain drop and favoring it over the other for no specific reason. And it was also satisfying when two drops would come together into one bigger drop. Whenever that happened, it would send the water rolling down the window faster before it puddled up at the bottom of the sill and disappeared all together.

I smiled to myself, remembering how I had felt sad for their early death. I had connected emotionally for the short lived droplets, but whenever I had lose one, another one would catch my eye. So began the cycle again.

I Do(n't) **LOKI**Where stories live. Discover now