Chapter 5

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Ida's POV-

When my eyes fluttered open again, I momentarily forgot where I even was. But when I sat up and looked around, it all came back to me. This wasn't a terrible dream. No, this was my life. Not a fantasy, but a horror story.

Ok, maybe that's exaggerating a little bit, but you get the idea.

Thor wasn't there any longer, so I guess at some point he had gotten up. I wished that he had waken me, as well, but maybe he was called to do something somewhere else.

I rubbed my eyes and sat up, stretching the tiredness out of my body. The sun was low and twilight was approaching. It would be in my best interest to go inside and find out what the daily routines were as far as dinner goes. Obviously, yesterday was different, as the reception carried on through sunset. I was quite curious to experience the daily evening meal and see who would be there.

I gathered up the book I had borrowed from Loki and headed in. As I walked through the different hallways and up the tall stairway, I pretty much used the walls as my reference point. It was still hard to picture having this place, and even the path from the bedroom to the downstairs, memorized. But if everyone else here could do it, then so could I.

When I got to the bedroom door, I pushed at the wood, but it was locked. Confused, I bumped my hip against it, assuming that it was stuck or simply too heavy. Still, it refused to budge.

"Loki?" I knocked on the wood. I did not hear an answer, so I knocked again. "Loki!"

"Ida" the door cracked a little and he poked his head out. "I am actually working on something, right now."

"Can I come in?" I asked, attempting to push forward.

Quickly, he put his foot at the bottom of the door so I couldn't open it anymore. "Not right now."

"I brought your book back" I raised an eyebrow. "And I was going to ask about dinner?"

"Dinner" he repeated.

He glanced behind him, looking in a direction that was hidden from my view, but I knew that's where the grandfather clock was.

"Dinner is soon. You can go ahead and head down to the dining hall, if you want"

"Aren't we supposed to go together?" I questioned.

He rolled his eyes. "Well, fuck me. Go wait down the corridor and I will meet you there so we can walk down together."

"I was going to change first" I gestured inside the room.

"You look fine" he started to close the door.

"But your book"

Clearly annoyed, he opened the door a little wider and reached out. As I offered to him, I saw that his shirt wasn't buttoned up all the way.

He saw my eyes flicker to his chest. "I'm changing into my suit"

And with that, he shut me out.

Sighing to myself, I let my shoulders slump down. I wanted to look nice for the dinner and also wear one of the other dresses he had given me. What I had on now definitely beat what I had owned before this morning, but wouldn't wearing one I had been gifted show appreciation? On top of that it seemed respectful to dress as nice as possible if I was to be in the presence of the king.

Turning around, I made my way back down through the wide hall, running my fingers along the chair rail molding, which was gold. Whenever a chest or a pedestal would be in the way, I'd lift up my arm and let it fall back once it was passed.

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