Chapter 4

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Ida's POV-

The next morning when I woke up, Loki was not in bed anymore. It made me happy in a way, but also I did not know where to go, or where anyone else was. There were countless ways to get lost in a place as big as this, and that was bound to happen to me. I am not the best with directions, and I tended to get lost more often than I'd like to admit. 

To top that, it is always awkward when you spend the night at a new place and do not know who is even up or where they are.

However, instead of allowing myself to panic, I sat up and took in a deep breath. I glanced at the grandfather clock that stood tall near the door, and saw that I had accidentally slept in a little bit later than I should have. It was long past time to get up.

I slid out of the bed and neatly pulled up the sheets and duvet, arranging the decorative pillows back to how they were when I had first seen the room. I made sure to smooth out all the blankets, insuring that not a single wrinkle would stand. They probably had servants here to do that, but I did not want to come across as lazy. I knew a lot of the villagers did not bother to make their beds, but my mother had taught me this habit at a very young age. It was a habit I had yet to break.

Once the bed was flawlessly made, I went over to the wardrobe and pulled open the wooden doors to find one of my dresses to wear, but they were all gone...

A crease fell over my face and anger began to boil inside of me. Loki did not go and discard my clothing. I specifically told him not to. How much of my life was he determined to ruin for me? First the marriage, then the book, and now this. What other tricks did he have up his sleeves for me? Were his intensions seriously that malice?

Slamming the wardrobe shut, I sunk down to the floor and shut my eyes. What was I to do? I had nothing else to put on, and it wasn't like I could go out in this. And I most certainly was not going to borrow any of his clothes to wear. Even if I had wanted to, they would have been much to big, more than likely slipping right off my body.

Tears were biting at me, demanding an escape, although I refused to let them have their way. I sniffed them back, focusing as hard as I possibly could to bury the pain deep inside of me.

"Are you okay?"

Startled, I turned around and saw Loki standing in the doorway, a large satin box in his hand. Quickly, I stood up, brushing my skirts down. I did not want to look pathetic in front of him. I had to be strong and show confidence. If I looked like this treatment had negatively affected me, it would merely be feeding him the satisfaction of a reaction that he did this for in the first place.

"Where are my clothes?" I asked shakily.

"Right here" he walked over and dropped the box down in front of me, letting it slam down onto the hardwood floor.

Confused, I took it and opened up the flaps. Sitting right on top were my dresses, folded neatly across a large pile of other clothes I had never seen before.

"Your dresses are the ugliest thing I have ever seen in my life" he went on, a look of disgust on his face. "So I took it upon myself to go to the tailor's after you fell asleep last night and put in an order for you. And some of these are Sif's that she doesn't fit in to anymore. I hope you do not mind a couple hand me downs. Usually we do not stoop to that level here, but given how clothes don't just appear at the snap of a finger, I had to find something that would do for now"

"I thought you threw them out, or something" I admitted.

"Gawd, no" he shook his head. "You told me not to"

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