"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you! Happy birthday, dear Y/n... happy birthday to you!" All seven of them sing to me with huge smiles on their faces.

I stare at the cake that has two tiers, it containing white icing as the base and red icing roses that decorate it all over and seven candles on top, one for each of them to light. I cover my mouth, not being able to stop the tears streaming down my face.

"You have a family again, Y/n." I hear my brother say as he makes his way to me, hugging me, "You have a family." He whispers once more, holding me close as I immediately sob into his shoulder.

Eighth Grade

"WE'RE NOT CELEBRATING MY BIRTHDAY!" I scream out with tears in my eyes at Jin, "Mommy and daddy just died a week ago! Why would I celebrate when I don't have anyone to celebrate with?!" I sob uncontrollably, harshly shoving Jin away from me as tears run down his own face.

"I'm still here!" He tries to calm me down as I begin to hyperventilate, my hands shaking, but I just push him away again.

He stumbles back, falling onto the floor as his bottom lip quivers.

"I WANT MOMMY AND DADDY!" My wails echo off the walls of our home that feels beyond empty and cold now that our parents are dead, "They always light my candles! It's not the same anymore... " I choke out, curling in on myself into a ball and landing on the floor, on my side.

"Y/n, get up... " My brother begs me as he crawls over and kneels next to my trembling, sobbing body, "Y/n," His voice cracks and he tries holding back his own cries, "you're breaking my heart." He grips onto me, hugging me as best he can as I'm in this position and he begins sobbing.

I shake my head hard, "No, no, no... I won't celebrate my birthday until I have a family again." I let out another wail as I stare through tears at the family portrait on the wall across from me.

I sob into Jin's shoulder, my fists gripping his dress shirt as he hugs me close, my shoulder wet with his tears and I hear sniffles coming from all of the others as they patiently stay quiet.

"The others already know, okay?" Jin whispers to me and I nod, understanding now that that's what they were talking about in their animal forms right as I walked into the room earlier.

I calm myself down, overwhelmed by this surprise but beyond thankful for it as well. I look up to Jin and he wipes my tears away with a smile on his face.

"Seven years." He swallows hard, "It's been seven years since you last celebrated your birthday." He bites his bottom lip to keep himself together for my, and the others, sake.

"But you have us now. Seven people who love you to make up for the seven years that you were alone on your birthday." Jungkook's trembling voice catches my attention and I look to him as he stands and walks to me, pulling me into a tight hug.

"See?" Jin rests a hand on my shoulder, "You have a family now to celebrate with." He sniffles and I burry my face into Jungkook's chest as he kisses my forehead.

After a moment, I sigh and pull away a bit to look through my tears to the others with a smile, "Thank you." I say in a trembling voice, feeling the love that they all have for me and for the first time in seven years, I'm excited to celebrate my birthday that I just almost forgot about completely.

PANTHER (JJK)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ