{12}When and Where?

Beginne am Anfang

"Excuse me? My team is not helpless."


"-Give us one more chance, Mr. Geyes. Please."

The man's eyes hardened. "No. Get out of my office."


The lunch food looked extra nauseating today. Addison sulked and played with the sludge that was supposed to be lasagna.

Eli plopped down next to him and sighed, "You gonna eat that?"

Addison wordlessly shook his head and slid over his bowl.

"What's wrong with you?" Eli spoke with a stuffed mouth.


"Where's Eve? I'm gonna take your advice today, I'm gonna be a bitch."

"Eli that's not what-"

"Guys!" Eve sat down across from them. "I have something to tell you."

"What?" Addison mumbled.

"So I was going through my dad's pill cabinet-"

"Why?" Addison questioned.

"Just for random pills to get me high, but that's not important. I was going through the bottles, and I found my dad's erectile dysfunction meds. So now I know why my mom is such a bitch. She's dick-deprived, and honestly, I can't blame her. I would be a bitch too if I were in her shoes. So...I gave her a big hug today and snuck a dildo under her pillow."

Eli and Addison stared at her blankly.

"You're kidding, right?"


Addison frowned to himself and tried his best to disregard what she said, but the knowledge that there was a dildo under her mom's pillow brought a nasty taste to his mouth. And the fact that her dad couldn't get hard made him feel worse.

Poor guy.

Lunch was silent after that. Every time Addison looked over to Eli the boy seemed to be in deep thought. He must have been thinking way too hard about "The key to Eve's heart."

"Ugh god, look at him." Eve stared intently at a guy walking through the cafe. "I wanna get my hands on that."

Eli nudged Addison before speaking, "Eve stop being such a slut. It's making me look bad."

Addison's eyes widened along with Eve's.

What the hell is he doing?

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me."

"Fuck you, Eli." Eve stood up and left the cafeteria. Eli watched her disappear with a frown.

"She won't be doing that anytime soon," Addison muttered.

"I took your advice, Addison. What the hell was that?"

"You slut shamed her. That's not a way to win a girl's heart." Addison glanced down at his phone.

User789o0: Hey you okay?

Right now, he was just as bad as Oliver. Just because he's "scared" doesn't mean he should leave the guy hanging.

Yeah I'm fine sorry I've been ignoring you it was stupid.

User789o0: It's fine. Is it okay if we talk about some things later?

Yeah, that sounds good.

Whether it's a friendship or developing into something more, communication is important. Maybe Oliver should be more like User.

Can you stop acting like a bitch and fuck me already?

Oliver: I was just about to text you.

Well I beat you to it

Oliver: Yeah, you did. When and where??

Addison found himself smiling. He should not be this happy about Oliver talking to him, let alone asking him where they should fuck.



After work, Addison texted the cheer group chat telling them they had a meeting the next day. Most of them replied telling him no because it was short notice, so he decided to tell them straight up.

We're done for the season. No more practices or games but we're still doing the festival.

The replies came in instantly

Ariana: Fucking finally

Ariana left the group chat...

Paige: I'm not doing the festival

Paige left the group chat

Eve left the group chat along with 10 others...

Needless to say, they were pretty fucking happy.

"Hey, honey what's wrong?" His mom greeted him at the door.

"Nothing, I just wanna take a hot shower and go to sleep." He gave her a peck on the cheek, "Goodnight. Love you."

"Was work stressful? Does your ass hurt? Baby, what's wrong?"

"No work wasn't--wait why would you ask me about my ass?"

"I noticed all the hickeys and I just assumed. I have makeup for that by the way, and soaking in a bath filled with Epson salt may help ease the pain." She gave him a pat on the back and shooed him off to his room.

He was speechless, but he took her advice and it worked so he couldn't be angry.

After his soak, he finally texted him.

Hey. I'm off work.

He responded almost immediately.

User789o0: How was work?

It was fine. How was your day?

User789o0: It was okay. I have to go soon but I wanted to ask you about something.

What is it?

User789o0: Do you think we could meet? I was just wondering if possibly I could see you in person since we live in the same area. I understand if you're not comfortable with that though.

Addison threw his phone on his bed. His eyes widened at the invisible camera taped to his wall. Is he fucking serious? He took a deep breath.

Yeah sure. Just tell me when and where.


So I got covid... We love to see it.

The worse part about it is that I was in the middle of writing some really good smut and now I can't move my head without wanting to cry. So that smut is gonna have to wait. 

I literally can't even write and I only have like a few pre-written chapters left.


Anyways, let's pray for Eve's family, definitely her father:(

And her mom, poor lady. I hope the 12 inch works out for her. Eve ain't no cheap bitch, she went all out. As she mf should.

Oh yeah and let's pray she stops the drugs...yikes. Okay, let me stop typing. It's getting unacceptable how much I write in these Author's Notes.

Lust For Value (Boyxboy)✔︎Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt