"Go for it" I waved off.

Beaming, he stood up and walked away. My gaze flickered to Fandral, who took the hint and followed Thor.

"I do not know how you do it" Ossar sighed.

"Do what?"

"Leave us all in this hell hole"

"I feel as though you, out of everyone here, would be happy for me" I frowned.

"Maybe I am just jealous" he shrugged. "I always wanted to be a warrior under Odin"

"I know, you never stopped talking about it" I giggled.

"I wanted it more than anything" his eyes caught mine. "But maybe a part of that was because I knew one day you would be there, too, and I wanted to be able to stay with you and protect you. You know I always liked you, Ida"

"I know" my eyes flickered down. "And I always told you I would be faithful to Loki"

"Was he faithful to you?"


"And is he faithful now?"

"Osssar" I frowned. "That is my own personal business"

"I will take that as a no, then" he stood up and took another swig. "It should have been us in the end, and you know it"

Confused, I watched as he walked away from me, joining a group of dancing girls by the fire.

Angrily, I reached over for my own jug and popped off the lid. Then I took a couple heavy sips. When I set it down, I had to take a deep breath to recover from the strong burning sensation.

This party was supposed to be fun, yet somehow it had already turned into something stressful. Now it was on me to create my own fun.

I looked around to see where the guys were. Thor was over chugging down a bottle of whiskey with this group of guys; and Fandral was standing tall with his arms crossed looking around.

I stood up and made my way through the small crowd of people over to him. When he saw me, he tilted his head.

"Didn't feel like mingling?" I asked him.

"There is no point" he shrugged.

"Why is that?"

"I do not like mingling with persons outside the castle walls"

"What do you mean?"

"I catch feelings too easily" he nodded in a direction, and when I looked, I saw one of the girls kicking off her shoes.

She was very pretty. I had see her face around, but did not know her well. I think her dad was a cobbler.

"I like her" he went on. "She is beautiful. However, from a distance it is impossible for me to become attached."

"What is wrong with attachment?"

"Us warriors are not really encouraged to marry" he explained. "We are allowed to, of course, but our duty comes before love. We are not supposed to leave the castle grounds unless on an assignment, so seeing a woman in the village would be impractical. Besides" he relaxed a little, and shifted his gaze down to me. "I am here to protect you and Thor and see to it that nothing happens"

"It will not bother me if you stop...guarding...and go mingle. I will not say anything, you know that"

"I know" he smiled at me. "But I refuse to. It would be on me if something did happen, and I would not be able to live with myself if I had to return and tell the king that his son or daughter in law got hurt or worse"

I Do(n't) **LOKI**Where stories live. Discover now