A New Understanding

Start from the beginning

"I still have chores," Y/N offers after a while of silence.

"What are you doing?" I demand.

"Wh-What?" She stammers. "Doing what?"

"What are you doing getting close to Offender? Do you really think he likes you? He can hand any woman he wants. What makes you have the audacity to think it could be you?" I demand of her.

"We're.....friends," She tells me.

"No, you're not. You can't be friends with any of us. Quit thinking you can. This isn't your family. You're a human. Not a creepypasta," I snap.

"You're!" She goes to say before she goes silent.

"What? Not the boss of you?" I smile, grabbing her chin and forcing her gaze to me. "I'm very much the boss of you. When I say jump you jump. When I tell you to clean a mess you clean the mess. When I tell you you're not friends with anyone. You're. Not. Friends. With. Anyone. Am
I clear?"

My anger falters when tears fill her eyes. Her body begins to tremble and her hands clench into fists, but she does something I never expected. She bows her head in agreement.

"Yes sir. Loud and clear," She hisses in a quiet voice, clearly holding back a sob. "I'll get back to work."

"Good. Remember your place pet. Until you're no longer under my control. You will follow my every order. Don't forget your place," I bite.

I turn away and unlock the laundry room door, opening it to find no one present. Odd. I highly expected Offender to be there. I shrug and head out of the laundry room to find my brothers. No doubt they've rounded up to check on Offender. Now, we need to discuss our excursion for tomorrow. Splendor likes to arrange 'bonding' days for the four of them and tomorrow they have one planned. I find all of them waiting for me in my office, Splendor practically jumping up and down with excitement. A small smile would be on my face but I keep my mouth hidden.

"So, what's the plan?" I ask the three of them. "What are you dragging me into this time?"

"HIKING AND CAMPING!" Splendor grins.

"Camping? It's only supposed to be a day," I protest.

"Not overnight camping but we're gonna do a fire, hot dogs, s'mores, things like that!" Splendor grins.

"It won't hurt you to partake in activities you see as childish. Besides, you might get ideas for Sally," Trender chuckles.

"Splendor's the boss," I chuckle. Now, what to do with the human?

~~Your Pov~~

"Y/N! There you are!" E.J. grins with relief after letting me into his room, his laundry in my arms.

"Hi E.J.," I smile, setting the basket of laundry by his closet door. "Did you need something?"

"A scalpel. Did you find one? Please tell me Slender didn't confiscate it?" He pleads.

"Don't worry," I chuckle, lifting up a few shirts and pulling out a silver scalpel with E.J.'s initials carved in in blue.

"Thank Lucifer," He breathes, accepting the scalpel. "You're such a life saver. How'd you hide it?"

"I do a lot of laundry," I smile. "Try not to leave it in your pocket again."

He grins at me, his sharp teeth sending a slight shiver down my spine. Those teeth can tear flesh, I've seen it. His mask is set down on his desk alongside a few medical books. E.J. works a human job as a surgeon. Various others do the same, holding onto what human things they can despite their changes. I'll give Slender credit for one thing. He gave everyone here a second chance at life. It'll never be normal again but they've all created their new normal. I gotta respect him for that.

"I totally owe you. What's something you've been wanting? More than anything in the world?" He asks, earning a sad smile from me.

"Thanks, but I don't think the thing I want more than anything in the world exists anymore," I tell him. "Thank you though."

"You say that every time. Can I at least know?" He presses.

"I used to have a stuffed cat with a blue collar. One of those build a bear ones. Inside, was a recording of my baby's heartbeat and their ultrasounds. It's the last thing I had of them," I tell him. "I'm sure the villagers destroyed it."

"I'm sorry," E.J. mumbles. "I didn't mean-."

"It's okay," I tell him. "Thanks though. I've got some other things to take care off of see you later."

I give him a smile and leave his room, stopping halfway down the hall and pressing my back flush against the wall, a hand clenched against my chest as I try not to break down. I take a few deep breaths and finish my chores in the mansion before heading to find Slender. I'm done sooner than usual but heaven forbid I go lay down or something early. I pause at the doors to his office before giving three firm knocks.

"Enter," I hear Slender call, pushing the doors open. "Y/N, perfect timing. I have something to discuss with you."

"Okay?" I question, stepping further into the office. "What can I do for you?"

"Tomorrow I am going out with my brothers. Usually, you know where you'd be, but I have been doing some thinking. I'm putting E.J. in charge of you while I'm gone," Slender declares, my eyes widening in shock.

"But sir, E.J.," I start, going silent at his glare. "Thank you sir."

"Good girl," He declares before getting to his feet. "I have something else."

I take a hesitant step back when he walks towards me, my gaze darting to the door. I back up until I'm flush up against the door, cowering under Slender.

"I assumed it was important since you kept it in your safe. I was not aware what it was, but I'm giving it to you as an incentive to behave. I will take it back should I see fit," He says.

I flinch when a tendril comes at me, slowly opening my eyes when I feel no pain. I'm shocked into silence when I see what's in the tendril. My hands shake as I lift them, horrified this is just some cruel joke on Slender's part. I take the stuffed cat with a blue collar and pull it to me. I press the chest, my eyes widening when I hear the familiar heartbeat. The recording still works.

"How did.....I......thank you," Is what I finally manage to get out. "Thank you so much."

"Don't make me regret it. If you're finished with chores then head to bed. I shall retire shortly," He huffs after turning away.

"Thank you," I repeat before I bolt out of the office and to my bed in Slender's room.

I can't help myself as I play the heartbeat several more times. I hold the cat and owl close to my chest and for the first time in a long time. I sleep hard and deep. I don't know where this sudden kindness is from, but I'm not complaining either. I thought it was gone forever. To think Slender has had it all this time.....

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