‣ 018 | unexpected moment.

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"what's with seokjin now?"

"well," she started, walking around him. "you see, kim seokjin was actually the ceo's boyfriend." she chuckled.

jeongguk listened to her, not minding about anything.

"the ceo trusted him a lot but unfortunately, seokjin suddenly ran away with the company's money. oh my." she added, wearing a frown.

"you're deceiving me. he ran away because he couldn't handle working with criminals anymore. this company kidnaps kids and used them for this appli-"

"my my, mr. jeon. we are kidnapping kids only to help them! those poor kids who lost their parents at such young age. how can we just leave them outside, alone and starving to death?" she pouted at him.

jeongguk continues to glare at her. suddenly remembering about what happened to taehyung.

"do you think i'd easily fall for that shit?"

"you sound so desperate for something. perhaps, you have another reason why you paid us a visit." she said and went to a computer.

jeongguk watched as she typed something on the keyboard and clicked the mouse, moving it.

"095, isn't it? kim taehyung? you're probably here to save him." she stated, making jeongguk's heart go crazy.

"hmm, i see. he broke a rule. kids these days are indeed stupid and stubborn. he even sent a famous streamer to save himself!"

"shut the fuck up. i came here in my own will. taehyung doesn't know anything about this." jeongguk snapped.

gyeoul turned her attention to the ravenette and smirked. "ah, is that so?"

jeongguk had enough. he stormed towards her and grabbed her by her collar. "don't make me hurt you-"

he was interrupted by the sudden loud ringtone of his phone.

he groaned in frustration and lets go of her to get his phone and answer the call. "what do you want?"

"jeongguk! where the fuck are you?! we need help!" hoseok shouted.

jeongguk widened his eyes and turned his eyes to gyeoul who's watching him the whole time with a smirk. "what's happening?"

"we- we saw a boy asking us for help. and, and when we approached him, some dudes just suddenly went to us and asked us to bring the boy to them or they'll hurt us." hoseok answered.

"but of course we can't do that! we're afraid that they'll hurt this boy! the boy is really scared of them and fuck- jeongguk, COME HERE! WE NEED HELP!"

jeongguk lowered down his phone and glared at gyeoul. "i'm not done with you." he warned before running to the elevator.

"hoseok, where are you?" he asked while pressing the button for the first floor.

"we're inside a restroom. the one at the market and these security dudes are outside and banging on the door. come here, hurry please."

"alright. stay where you are and i'll come." jeongguk said and ended the call.


"joon, i'm buying this." hoseok said, looking at a gaming chair.

namjoon went to his side and looked at the chair as well. "this company smells overpriced, man. are you sure you're going to buy a chair that's more expensive than a diamond?"

"my parents will kill me." hoseok sighed and rubbed his temple. "but i have the money. just that they'll kill me for spending money for a very expensive gaming chair."

"well, that sucks-" namjoon stopped talking as soon as he felt a tug on his suit.

he looked behind him, seeing an unfamiliar boy looking at them with eyes full of tears.


"p-please help me.." the boy begged.

"oh god! 096 is over here!" the saleslady shouted loudly which caused the boy to flinch in fear and went closer to namjoon and hoseok.

a group of security guards runs towards the area and hoseok and namjoon are quick to protect the boy. "what the hell is happening?"

"streamers, we need you to stay out of this and give us 096." a security ordered.

hoseok crossed his brows and looked at the boy behind them.

the boy was trembling in fear and shaking his head. "n-no please n-no.."

hoseok looks at the guards again. "namjoon, you know what to do, right?"

namjoon nodded. "yeah. i saw a restroom in the corner. we can hide there."

"great. can you carry this boy?"

namjoon looked at the boy and nodded then turned his attention to the guards again. "i can."

"okay. in a count of three, you're going to carry him then lead the way to the restroom."

"copy." namjoon took a hold of the boy's wrist."

"..3" hoseok started, eyeing the guards. "..2"

his eyes caught a guard starting to run towards them. "1!"

namjoon immediately carried the boy and started running towards the restroom. hoseok followed behind him.

they can hear the guards and other workers shouting for them but they just kept running.

once they reached the restroom, hoseok immediately locked the door and panted heavily.

"fuck! we need gguk! we're stuck here!"

"call him!"

hoseok took his phone out and dialed jeongguk's number. fortunately, it didn't take a long time for jeongguk to answer the call.

"what do you want?"

"jeongguk! where the fuck are you?! we need help!" hoseok shouted.

"what's happening?"

"we- we saw a boy asking us for help. and, and when we approached him, some dudes just suddenly went to us and asked us to bring the boy to them or they'll hurt us." hoseok answered.

"but of course we can't do that! we're afraid that they'll hurt this boy! the boy is really scared of them and fuck- jeongguk, COME HERE! WE NEED HELP!"

"hoseok, where are you?" jeongguk asked while pressing the button for the first floor.

"we're inside a restroom. the one at the market and these security dudes are outside and banging on the door. come here, hurry please."

"alright. stay where you are and i'll come." jeongguk said and ended the call.

"hoseok, what do we do now?" namjoon asked.

hoseok slipped his phone inside his pocket and runs his fingers through his hair. "jeongguk is coming to us. he'll help us get out."

the boy nervously played with the hem of his shirt. "c-can that jeongguk g-guy help u-us?"

hoseok smiled and went to the boy who's sitting in the corner in fear. he slowly engulfed him in a hug which made the boy let out tears.

"just trust him."

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