‣ 005 | breakfast.

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the next morning, taehyung woke up from his deep slumber. he rubbed his eyes sleepily before slowly opening them a little.

he was surprised when he saw a blanket covering his small frame. he can't remember going inside a bedroom to get a blanket last night. besides, he's scared to do so.

there's no way his master covered him with the blanket.


the boy shrugged and yawns softly. he probably only forgot that he took a blanket last night.

he slowly sat up and looks around the living room with still half lidded sleepy eyes.

"s-should i cook.." he asked himself in his morning voice.

he stands up from the spacious soft couch and grabbed the blanket.

he started folding it neatly then placed it on the couch before padding his way towards the kitchen.

he thought that it will be rude if he won't make breakfast for his master even though he knows jeongguk won't even eat it.

but still, he's hoping that the older will atleast try his food.


taehyung smiled as he looks at the simple breakfast that he made for his master.

he didn't made breakfast for himself as he's afraid that jeongguk will be mad at him.

he decided to explore the huge ass house more as he doesn't have anything to do.

taehyung ended up approaching a huge glass door and looks outside through it.

his eyes sparkled, seeing different beautiful flowers outside and a lot of other plants.

the boy didn't hesitate to open the glass door carefully, sliding it open then went out.

he loves gardens so much.

taehyung giggled and kneels down in front of the beautiful tulips, staring at them with heart eyes.

then, he turned his attention to the flowers before the tulips.

it was sunflowers, his favorite.

"m-my favorite.." he muttered, staring at the beautiful yellow flower in front of him.

he can't believe that he was just staring at some sunflowers at pictures and televisions before. then now, it's right in front of him.

he wanted to touch the flower, wanting to know what's the feeling of it against his skin.

a quick light poke wont hurt, right?

taehyung shifts closer towards the flower, still on his knees.

then, he raised his slightly trembling index finger.

he pokes the sunflower ever so gently, afraid that he might hurt it.

a gasp escaped his lips and he broke into a wide adorable smile.


"what are you doing here?" he heard a voice behind him.

taehyung flinched and immediately gets on his feet to face the raven.

he looks at his master before looking down. "m-master, i was j-just staring a-a-at them-"

jeongguk just rolled his eyes and walks away.

the brunette pouted and nervously fiddled with his shirt.

he's probably mad.

he decided to leave the garden and follows jeongguk.

he saw that the older went to the kitchen that made his eyes wide.

is he going to eat the breakfast that i made..?

jeongguk noticed the simple but delicious looking breakfast on the table.

he's thinking that taehyung probably made it for him.

"what's this?" he wanted to ask in a gentle tone but it turns out stern.

taehyung tensed at the sudden tone and gulped nervously. "b-breakfast for m-master."

jeongguk stared at the foods then looks at the trembling brunette after. "where's yours?"

"huh? oh- t-there's none. i was scared you w-will get mad, master." he immediately answers.

the ravenette sighed and rubs his temples.

taehyung watched the older with nervousness filling him even more.

he's now preparing himself to get yelled at by jeongguk or even get hit.

but what jeongguk asked surprised him.

"what do you want to eat?

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