The Dream, 6/7

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A/N:: Almost finished! Again its mostly fluff (how did I manage to make this so fluffy from the absolute smutfest it started as, I mean wtf) and a few sex scenes scattered here and there. Some mildly sub!Jensen for you all as well :)

Jensen wasn't kidding when he said he intended to not leave your side for the next week. The two of you hadn't spent a night apart yet, always choosing to stay wrapped together, soft kisses and heartfelt conversation taking up your nights until you saw the sun rising through the curtains of your apartment windows. You'd barely gotten more than four hours a night, but neither one of you minded. There were plenty of opportunities to nap between scenes.

"When is your mom coming again?" You asked Jensen while you were sitting at his kitchen table, reading over the day's scenes to be shot while Jensen made pancakes.

"She should be here at two," he smiled over his shoulder at you. "She's excited to see you. It's been a while since she visited."

You nodded in agreement as Jensen set your pancakes down in front of you. "You know, I was thinking I should maybe move some of my stuff back to my place. Give you two some space to spend time together, y'know? You said she was only staying for a few days."

It wasn't hard to miss the look of disappointment on Jensen's face when you said those words. "You know she wouldn't mind you being here. She knows how close we are," he muttered as he took a bite of his pancakes.

"What? D-does your mother know about us?" You ask, blushing deeply as Jensen met your gaze.

"Not really," he muttered. "I mean she walked in on us kissing last time she was here, remember? But she doesn't know anything else, just that we spend a lot of time together."

"Ugh, thanks for reminding me about that, Jens," you glared at him playfully. "I was so embarrassed. Especially when you tried to pass it off like we were rehearsing a scene."

"Yeah she saw right through that one," he blushed, laughing at the memory. "'What do you mean you have a kissing scene with your sister?'" You giggled at his horrible attempt to sound like his mother. "Can I ask, why was it so embarrassing for you? Are you that embarrassed of me? Of us?"

The shock on your face instantly put Jensen's mind at ease. "Jensen, of course not!" You grabbed his hand, rubbing circles on the back of it with your thumb reassuringly. "I could never be embarrassed of you. Not in a million years. I know we don't really have a label for what this is, I just... it's hard to explain. Like I don't want your mother to know we're just hooking up."

"Are we just hooking up?" Jensen asked softly. His eyes finally met yours, and you could see the hope in them.

"No," you whispered softly, smiling at him. "I think it's pretty clear we both feel stronger than that. It's just..." you trailed off, unsure how to continue without hurting Jensen's feelings.

"You're worried about the fans, aren't you?" He whispered softly. You looked at him, tears threatening to well up in your eyes as you nodded softly.

"What if they hate us? I mean what if they think it's weird and then they won't watch the show and then we'll get cancelled and then..." you couldn't finish, covering your face with your hands as tears began to fall. You didn't want to think about what would happen if the show got cancelled.

"Y/n," he mumbled softly as he walked around the table. He kneeled in front of you, placing his hands on your knees as he turned your chair to face him. "I promise you they wouldn't hate us. I mean seriously, Jared showed me fanfiction people have written about Sam and Dean being together. If they'd be okay with that, why wouldn't they be okay with this?"

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