Cas is sick Cas x Reader

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Title:  Show Me Love

Pairing: Cas x Reader

Word Count: 450 words [we got a lil shorty on the side this time ;) ]

For the first time since he came into being, Castiel is sick. Suffering from a common cold, he depends on the reader's help to get his strength back.

Castiel had always been the type who did not ask for help. Why would he need to? He was a celestial being; he was not victim to the common ailments of man. At least, not until now.

Losing his grace was an incredibly painful experience for Castiel. He had to eat, sleep, shower, and do all those normal human activities he never quite understood. But that was not the worst of it.

No, the worst of it was having to depend on the help of others. Namely, the help of you.

You were Castiel's favorite honorary Winchester. You had joined the boys shortly after they met Cas, and you always treated him with kindness. Kindness he felt he did not necessarily deserve.

"Cas, you needed to drink this," you handed him a mug of hot tea. Cas had fallen victim to the one thing he dreaded most upon becoming human: the common cold.

"It's hot," he frowned, sipping the beverage. One thing you learned was that human Castiel was not fond of extreme temperatures.

"Cas, honeybee, it's going to help. Let the tea cool for a minute before you sip it, but the heat will help your sore throat," you kissed his cheek before standing.

"Whatever did I do to deserve you," he mumbled, blowing his nose into a tissue. "I wish I could just heal myself."

"Sorry," you chuckled, dabbing his forehead with a cool, damp cloth. "You'll have to stick with the old-fashioned human healing," you giggled as you lay down next to him. "Which consists of rest, warm tea, and a little love."

He hummed softly, sipping his tea as he smiled. "Tell me more about love," he whispered softly. "From a human standpoint."

"Love is... doing anything for someone; putting yourself in harm's way in order to keep them safe. Making sure they're taken care of before you are. You put them above all else, even when it hurts you."

Castiel thought back to all the times he'd jumped in front of you on hunts. All the nights he'd spend watching over you as you slept, desperately trying to keep the nightmares away. Or how he always healed you, no matter how tiny your cut or bruise actually was.

He also thought about everything you did for him. How you took the time to teach him the fundamentals of basic humanity. How you made sure he was fed, cleansed, and cared for... like right now. You were helping take care of him, helping him feel safe and warm, and you did not care if you ended up getting sick.

Castiel smiled at you. "You love me."

"I do," you smiled back. "And you love me."

"I do."

Supernatural ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora