they think you're the monster p2 Deanxreader

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Title: Badass Sweetheart (p2)

Pairing: Dean x Reader

Word Count: 1331

After the boys realized you're a hunter, not a vampire, you end up saving their asses during the case.


She was still on edge from the hunt. I could see she was tired from their heart-to-heart back in the hotel this afternoon. I couldn't really blame her; emotional conversations always drained him too.

I knew she wasn't really sure me and Sammy had taken care of all the vamps. We searched, though, we double checked everything. There were no vamps left anywhere near that cabin. Nothing.

She asked to stay in our hotel with us tonight. She said her group hadn't given her enough money to get a hotel, or food for that matter. The night she got here, before Sammy and I made it, she said she slept in her car and ate an old granola bar she found in her glovebox.

She should just stay with us, I thought as I saw her weave her way through the crowded bar with another round of beers for the two of us. Sammy already left an hour ago, mumbling something about how he'd rather go back to the hotel and watch TV than be stuck in our sexual tension for one more minute.

"Dean," she said softly as she sat down, handing me my beer. "Stop that," she giggled.

"Stop what, sweetheart?" I chuckled softly, smiling at her.

"Looking at me that way," she frowned, tossing a french fry in her mouth. "Like 'm gonna disappear or somethin'."

Dean frowned, reaching his hand across the table and clutching hers like he did earlier. The simple touch sent shock waves through his body. "You're not though," he said hopefully. "Right?"

Y/n wasn't listening to him, though. Her eyes were fixed on a figure that had just entered the bar. All color had drained from her face and her grip tightened on his hand.

"Dean," she whispered, leaning in as her eyes never left the man. "I think... I think he's a vamp." she nodded her head towards the man. Dean got up from his seat, wrapping his arm around y/n's shoulder and pretending to laugh at something as he pulled her into his side. He followed her gaze to the man by the door, instantly recognizing the man.

"The cabin," he whispered, and y/n nodded. "Wasn't there a picture of that guy in the main room, with a young girl, tha-"

"That looked like me," y/n cut him off, gulping loudly. She reached her hand around her back and my eyes followed her hand as it pulled up her leather jacket to reveal a machete tucked into the waistband of her high waisted jeans. "Sorry I didn't trust you," she giggled softly, finally breaking her eyes away from the man to look at Dean.

"Kinda glad you didn't," he chuckled back. She pushed against his shoulder, following him out of the booth. "Go call Sammy," she said, nodding towards the bathroom.

"What? No! I'm not letting you go by yourself," Dean protested, tightening his hand around her wrist.

"Dean," she spoke softly. Her eyes met his, her expression soft and compassionate. "I'm his type, Dean. He won't hurt me," she pulled her wrist from my grip and started to walk away, turning around to face him one last time. "Not yet, anyway," she winked, leaving him there, dumbfounded, and fighting back the worry that was quickly building within him.


You followed the vamp outside to the back of the building. Dean looked worried, but you knew you would be fine. This was obviously the vamps leader, so you had to keep your wits about you, but there was no doubt in your mind that you'd be more than able to hold your own.

I've got this shit, you thought to yourself as you pulled the machete out of the back of your waistband. Dean's beautiful eyes and his cheeky smile drifted into your thoughts, bringing you comfort as you readied yourself to strike.

The vamp whipped around, baring his fangs. You landed a sharp kick to his chest, sending him flying backwards against a pickup truck. He quickly regained his balance and lunged at you, giving you the perfect opportunity to duck inwards and connect your machete with his neck, a perfect decapitation.

You hear a yelp from behind you and you whip around, raising your machete and dropping into a fighting stance. Dean's head was bleeding, and he was barely holding his own weight up, sandwiched between two vamps.

"Let him go!" you growled, raising the machete. "Take me instead," you taunted them, curling your finger, motioning for them to come at you.

Dean's body hit the ground with a thud as both vamps launched at you. You jumped up onto the back of the pickup truck and turned to see them both barreling towards you, fangs out. The lady vamp was slightly faster, getting to the truck before the other and grabbing your ankle before you have a chance to react. You landed on your ass as she pulled you towards her, growling, and a smirk played across your lips as you readied yourself, connecting your blade with her throat as she foolishly pulled you into arms length.

Before you could celebrate, however, the other vamp was grabbing you around the throat, his nails digging into your skin as he threw you down on the bed of the truck, your machete knocked from your grasp.

"Y/n! No!" Dean yelled from over by the building. He was standing now, wiping the blood from his eyes as he started towards the truck, fire burning behind his eyes.

You kicked at the vamp that was over you, trying to knock him off you, at least long enough to reach your machete, which was mere inches from your fingertips. He gave you the moment you needed when he leaned back to land a punch against your jaw, still gripping your jacket but letting you go just enough to reach the blade. You swung with all your power, the blade connecting with his throat just as his fist met your jaw, sending your head crashing against the bed of the truck as his head rolled off his neck, splattering you with a spray of blood.

Before you can even register the fact that you took down three vamps in less than five minutes, strong arms are pulling you off the bed of the truck and to your feet. Dean pulled you against his chest, his hot breath dancing across your neck as he wrapped his arms tightly around you. You smiled, deeply inhaling as you pressed your face into his chest, your arms wrapping around his neck.

"Holy shit," Dean breathed out. You lifted your head to look into his eyes, giggling at the look of awe on his face.

"I know, I'm hot," you smiled proudly, running your fingers through his hair as his breath hitched.

His hands found your hips and pulled you tightly against his body, leaning his forehead against yours. "Yeah, like... really fucking hot," he whispered, his eyes flitting between your eyes and your lips. You felt butterflies erupt in your stomach as he leaned in, connecting his lips against yours in a hungry kiss.

Your lips moved perfectly in sync, his tongue pressing into your mouth and swirling with yours. You moaned softly against his lips as you played with the hairs at the back of his neck, his hands sending shivers up and down your spine as they traveled under the hem of your shirt.

Both of your lungs were burning as you finally pulled away, gasping for air. You closed your eyes and nuzzled into his neck, placing a few soft kisses under his ear as he hummed softly.

"So," he whispered softly and you leaned back to look into his eyes. "You're coming with us, right? Me and Sammy?" A hint of fear was evident in his voice as he bit his lip, staring into your eyes hopefully.

"Hell yes," you whispered before pressing your lips against his once again, this time in a softer, more passionate kiss. You laughed loudly as he lifted you into the air, spinning you around as his lips connected to yours once again.

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